Friday, November 13, 2009

Birthday Giveaway

Tomorrow is my birthday--I will be turning 35!
I happen to like having birthday's and getting older. I feel like I get smarter each year. And, honestly, my 30's are WAY better than my 20's, so I'm hoping that trend continues. Surely we get older for a reason, right?!

In honor of my birthday I am giving away this quilt top to one lucky person. It's made from the remaining 3" scraps from my nine patch quilt. It measures approx. 36 by 42 inches .

It includes lots of the same scraps as my coin quilt. After using them for the last couple projects I am now completely sick of them. They were good scraps, but I am ready to move on.

If you want a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment telling us how old you are and your feelings about it. I'll draw a winner on Tuesday Nov. 17th.
Can't wait to read through all your thoughts!


  1. I'm 27. I don't really know how I feel about it, because I don't really believe it. Shouldn't I be about 18 or something? Sometimes I feel wise and beautiful, other times (like when I find my brand new gray hairs) I feel like life is passing me by too quickly. But it is what it is, right?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I'm 29. I feel as though growing up that being in your 30's made you super old. So I have the mindset that 30 is going to make me old. But after reading your post gives me hope to feeling young again!!

  3. I'm 27 but feel like I should be older sometimes because we have 4 kids.

  4. Happy Birthday! I would LOVE that quilt top. :-)

    Those are fabrics unlike any that I far!

  5. I'm almost 33. Some days I feel like I should be 18 still, but then I remember that I have 4 kids and feel like I should be older. Oh well. What an adorable quilt!

  6. I'm 49 and age has never bothered me (but I was surprised two weeks ago when someone asked me how many grandchildren I had). I want to go on a humanitarian trip next year to celebrate the big five-oh.

  7. I'm 43; however, in my brain I am still 25 or so, even though my body tells me differently at times.

    I don't feel as old as I am because I have younger children. For crying out loud I could be a grandmother by now, but my oldest is only 13. We haven't even hit HS yet.

    So I think that age is relative and all in your head.

    Saw this quote the other day:
    "Growing old is inevitable; growing up is optional."

  8. I'm 33 and LOVE IT! I also love my 30's! The morning of my 30th birthday, I got on a plane and spent a long weekend alone in New York City (I was still single then). It was the best birthday ever - and they've only gotten better!!

  9. I'm 35 and also loving my 30's. However, I have noticed more crows feet and evidence of aging this year. It doesn't really bother me although it's somewhat disconcerting when the person in my mind doesn't match the person in the mirror.

  10. I'm 27 and still sometimes feel like it's an awkward age, especially when it comes to clothing... can't wear juniors clothes anymore, but some of the stuff seems too old... so I wouldn't mind getting out of this limbo...

  11. Happy Birthday! That is a wonderful quilt top!

    I am 32 years young. :) Sometimes I forget how old I am... When people ask me my age, I reply with "33... wait, no I'm 32!"

    I still get carded when I buy alcohol... and then there are looks of surprise when they see my real age. So I feel pretty good about how young I am!

  12. I'm 27 and I am quite content where I am....ask me again when I turn 30...I'm still not sure how I'm going to react to that one. I would love to get the quilt top. I'm taking my first quilting class right now and I love it!

  13. I'm 29 and am like you ... I love getting older and can't wait for my 30's. I feel like I've grown so much and have learned from so many life experiences that I'm excited to see where I'll be 10 years from now.

    I love the quilt top and almost didn't enter because I never win anything ... what a lame reason not to enter! ha ... here's to hoping! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!!

  14. I just turned 25 but I feel like I am 18. Dont we all though!

  15. Happy Birthday!!! I just turned 35 too... in October! Hope you have a great birthday!

  16. I. am. 30. (turning 31 in january) My husband & I still turn to each other and go, "Really? Are we the adults here?" I was very freaked out by turning 30, I don't know why I was trying to hold onto the 20s. A friend once told be you've got more 'street cred' once you're 30. When you have 4 kids and still in your 20s, they really think you don't know what you're doing. You're 30, oh, well, you're wise. Whatever.

  17. Well, I'm 23 and as far as I can tell from scanning through these comments, that makes me feel especially young. Haha. Really, though, age can be so relative, right? In my family I'm the youngest, but my husband has three younger siblings that make me feel old and wise and mature (I'm not). Anyway, I like being 23. It's a fun time. My husband and I have lots of fun together and with our two month old daughter. This is just one of those brief times in my life that won't last long, but it's good while it lasts. And, by the way, your quilt top is beautiful. You really are an amazing seamstress. Happy Birthday! :)

  18. I'll be 40 soon. Every year has been fantastic. Can't wait to see what this year will bring!

  19. Happy Birthday!!!

    I am only 31, but I am like you and so far I love my 30's way more than my 20's. It was almost a relief to me to turn 30. I really am excited to see what the rest of my life brings!

    P.S. I LOVE the quilt top!!!!

  20. Happy Birthday to you! I love the quilt top and hope, fingers and toes crossed that I win! You may be tired of the fabrics, but to me they are fresh and darling!

  21. 26 over here. I love it, even inspired me to start (a music site). I'm officially past the age of "menace to society" in brigham young's words, and it feels great. official adult, closer to 30, and reveling in my few gray hairs (and I know EXACTLY when I got them, and I love them and don't pluck them out).

    P.s. the top is unbelievable. i'm making a yo-yo quilt for my little unborn one right now, and man, handsewing is tiresome! would love something additional that i can finish up and is homemade!

  22. I am 28 and I am not sure how I feel about minute I feel so young, the next I think I am old!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and thanks for the chance to win a new completed quilt top. It would be perfect for me since I am trying to learn how to machine quilt and need all the practice I can get!!

  23. I turned 27 on November 10th. All last year I would forget if I was 26 or 27 so I'm not too bothered by the numbers. After 21 I find it's been easy to lose track. I do feel older than I am - and I hate that. I think this would be a lovely belated birthday surprise! Pleas pick me!

  24. I'm thirty and absolutely love it. I have a wonderful husband who loves me (even if I'm not as hot as I was when I was twenty) and four wonderful kids. To me it is the perfect age. Not too old that I don't have the energy to do anything but not too young that people don't think you can do anything

  25. I'll be 27 in December.....sometimes i forget how old I am when people ask me. Maybe its the pressure of being put on the spot, I like to think its because I never act my age. ;)

  26. I am 52. I feel like a more complete person every year. I grow intellectually, emotional, and unfortunately physically (ha, ha). I think we really grow into ourselves and our personal views and learn that we can always be more, or we can relax and that's okay too. I have friends of all ages, I play tennis, life is good. The only problem I can think of besides the obvious negative things that affect our bodies like illness, etc. is it is so much harder to lose weight. So don't take any workout breaks, even a couple of months make a difference. Okay, stepping down now.

  27. 34 and I'm okay with it...well I was until I found a different colored hair color starting to make an appearance. I'm way too young for that!

  28. Oooo!!! I just love that top!
    I'm 49 and very proud to still backpack, run and hike with the best ~~ well, my running is slower, but the other areas are my strengths.

  29. I am 32 and when I first turned 30 I was way depressed. Looking at the positive things being in my thirties is that I am skinner now than I was in high school and college and people often people mistake me for being 20 something. It helps to take care of your skin to look and feel young.

    You are so amazing with your talent of sewing. It is a very pretty quilt.

  30. I am thirty three, and I like being in my thirty's. I don't like that I've been finding grey hairs, which makes me feel like I'm ninety, or that sometimes I feel like a dumpy housewife, but I think those issues have more to do with where I am in my life right now, and not so much my age. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!! (By the way, did Amanda Jean get all her 9 patches yet? I sent mine probably at least a week ago!)

  31. I'm 33, will be 34 in Dec. and I've always looked much younger than my actual age. I have 4 kids and can't count how many times people don't believe me when I tell them how old I am. Whenever my husband and I go out I always get carded, but about 3 weeks ago we went out to dinner and ordered drinks with our meal.

    Me: "Wow, I think that's the first time I haven't been carded! Wow!" (feeling all excited)
    My husband: "Is that a good thing?"
    Me: "Yeah! Ummm...wait, oh maybe not. Dangit!"

    Despite that, my 30's have been WAY better than my 20's (with 4 kids I spent most of my 20's being pregnant & nursing) and life just continues to get better. You're only as old as you feel and act. Happy Birthday!

  32. Happy Birthday!

    I am 26 and love it. I've always liked getting older. The number never seems to mean much to me, other than to show how many great years I've been busy. :)

  33. happy b day! Im 28 and love it. I fell like i have accomplished a lot in those years and look forward to more years and more adventures.

  34. Happy birthday! I'm almost 50 and can't wait to celebrate such a big birthday--I love being older than some and wiser than some, but young enough to enjoy every new day!!

  35. My next birthday I'll turn the scary 30 :P My sister is 10 years younger than me and is freaking out at the idea of turning 20 in a few months, listening to her ramble on about getting so old makes me feel a lot better with my age as with 10 years more experience I know I don't sound that silly!!

  36. Happy Birthday!, My son's is tommorrow...He will be six (that does make me feel old) I am 28, not that old (so I am told) ;)...but being pregnant and 28 is having fun on my body and there are time I feel really old.
    Love the quilt!

  37. Happy 35th birthday and welcome to the club! I am 35 too and feel the same as you. Life just gets better-busier too! But as your family grows things get more fun, no matter what your age. I don't feel as old as I thought 35 was when I was in my 20's. Does that make sense?
    I would love that quilt!

  38. happy b-day! i am 29 - but still feel like im 18. i guess thats a good thing. Where did all this responsibility come from??????

  39. I'm 33, but agree - my 30s are much better than my 20s!

  40. Kiddo - As a kid who turns 54 next month, you have the right attitude. Keep celebrating all the way.
    Would love the top, but would love to find the time to make my own!!!

    Happy Birthday!

  41. I'm 35...though according to my husband, I'm the old lady (for 2 months out of the year) because he won't turn 35 until next week! I'm definately more comfortable in my own skin than I was in my
    20's. My 30's have been great so far...and I'm looking forward to my 40's. Now if those gray hairs would just stop popping up!!

    Hope you had a great birthday!! Thanks so much for the birthday giveaway!

  42. I'm 34 and I'm happier now than I've ever been. Having two children under the age of 5 is also making me a very tired 34...but I wouldn't change a thing.

  43. I'm 24, though for some reason I always want to say I'm 25. It's a strange age, I feel like I should have done more with myself by now, yet also like I've done so much already and not even found the milestones... though an ambitious slew of hobbies certainly keeps me busy!! My first quilt ever was completed a year ago Friday, a baby nine patch for a coworker's newborn girl. Quilts were such a fascination to me when I was younger, I couldn't fathom putting alllll those pieces together - now I love doing it and can't get enough.

    Quilting is a beautiful pastime, and you definitely do it more than justice. Thank you for sharing your creativity, and thanks for the giveaway!


  44. Hey Happy Birthday. I am 23 and love quilting, I also love your site. It has inspired me to do so many diffrent projects I can't even count them. Thank you for sharing them with the world. Keep up the amazing job!

  45. I am forty and fine with it! Not sure I will transition so well to fifty, but I am enjoying everyday!
