Monday, January 26, 2009

Denim Quilt #3 and #4

O.K. the obsession is done. I made a quilt for the remaining 2 kids at my house and so now all 5 of them have a denim quilt. I used almost all my scraps--and at the end only had to go buy a little more denim to do the side sashing. Lucky for me my favorite fabric store was liquidating one of its locations and I got denim for $.89/yd. Woohoo!!! I think I bought about 7 yds. of denim to now replete my stash, of course. :)

So here they are:

#3 Quilt for Miss B.
I had bought this floral fleece on clearance at JoAnn's. I didn't get enough and ended up putting a cream stripe on the backing, but it worked. I was just so happy I didn't have to go buy anything else to complete the quilts.
Another friend of mine uses pockets, cargo loops and whatever else when she makes her denim quilts. So, I included a couple to see how it looked. These pockets you can't actually use, but on the last quilt I did cut pockets that could actually hide little treasures.
#4 Quilt for Miss M. I pieced together a little bit of the center sashing too. I really didn't want to have to buy anything else, and it also was a bit of an experiment. I don't mind how it looks. And all the kids think it is great to have their own.


  1. The pocket is awesome! I'm sure your kids have already hid their treasures in it. And I like that they all have their own--no more fighting!

    So you had quite the denim stash if you were able to make FIVE blankets!

  2. very nice. love the pocket. and I bet these are so warm being heavy.

  3. I really didn't think I had as much as I actually had. I thought after the first two I would be done--but no. I also have 8 more 9patch squares put together, but I want to do something different for me and the hubby, so I'll wait and work on that when I get more thrashed jeans to cut up.

  4. wow, love the pockets!! And the sashing piecing, I think I am so wasteful when I see stuff like that!
