Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Prom Dress--Part II

Yesterday the girls came to our house after school to work on their dresses.

Next step was the lay-out and cutting.

I had to give a few instructions to BFF on how to read the pattern pieces and then made sure it was all pinned properly before I let her cut it out.  My daughter had to lengthen all her bodice pieces by 2 inches.

Both got everything pinned and cut in about 1 1/2 hrs--that's both the fabric and lining pieces.  According to my daughter it is slightly nerve-wracking cutting fancy fabric.  She didn't want to screw anything up.

Daughter #1 with the ruched turquoise for the bodice that made her so nervous.
It is $30/yd. fabric (before using a coupon) and so that is why she was freaking out a little.

BFF with her deep purple satin.
It is a gorgeous color that you can't really tell from this pic and the lighting.

Next time we start some sewing.
Fun times!
I think that I might be more excited for them than they actually are.

  • Both are using the same patterns with some subtle changes.  The most humorous to me is that they are cutting out the skirt pieces the same length but they will fall at different lengths because my daughter is 6' and her BFF is about 5'5".  BFF wants hers to hit right at the ankles and my daughter wants hers a little higher, more tea length.
  • Using Simplicity 1797 for the bodice and raising the back neckline a bit.
  • Using Simplicity 3878 for the skirt.

Note:  Both girls decided to use this dress project as their Integrity value project for Young Woman Personal Progress--make and wear an item of clothing that conforms to modesty standards as outlined in the For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet.


  1. That is so cool! I can't wait to see them!

  2. The girls will love their dresses even more because they made they themselves (with some help). The colors are gorgeous and they will really stand out at the prom. M

  3. Will they both add the Tulle overlay to their skirts? I can't wait to see how the patterns transform into a complete dress(es)!!

    1. My daughter is still undecided on her tulle option. Her BFF is definitely putting some overtop her skirt.

  4. I love these posts! I used to sew for my daughters when they were little, making most all of their dresses, school outfits, shorts. My sister-in-law bought boutique clothes that I could not afford (our girls were 7 days apart) and the only way I could even come close was to make my own. At the time, I still longed for the darling outfits my niece wore. But now? My, how you become so much wiser with time and age! I cherish those outfits and the memories of my girls wearing them. My daughters were the lucky ones to have clothes made with love!

    My daughters are now 25 and 20 years old. Their friends aren't really crafty, none sew, some do cook, but MY girls have both recently discovered Pinterest, and with that they are referring back to olD mama, having me show them how to sew, cook, bake, and craft. They both cook in their own homes and send me pictures on my phone. How fun! I'm in mama hog heaven!

    I know that these dresses your daughter and her friend are making will be so very special! You are one special person to take them through the steps. What a special gift!

    I can't wait to see how they progress. How very exciting! (My mom made my prom dress, and we later used it with a few changes for one of my bridesmaid dresses. Boy how I wish I still had it!)

    Your posts have obviously triggered a flood of memories for me. Thanks!

    1. It's so great to have a mom (or another mentor) that you can go back to and ask questions and get encouragement. That has certainly been the case for us to have our mom teach us and allow us to try new projects. I remember being so glad to go to dances or other events and know for sure that no one else would be wearing the same thing as me because I had made it.

      Lately I have also been helping some other younger adult women with their projects because of things they've seen out there and they want to try. It has been fun to see how excited they all get when they finish something.

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  6. How neat it is that they are making their own dresses. I can't wait to see them!
