Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Checkerboard Quilt

Here is my version of Amanda Jean's Checkerboard Quilt from her book Sunday Morning Quilts, pg. 128.

This is going to daughter #1 for Christmas since she loves blue AND she needs a larger quilt for her 6' body than one that she is currently using. (I'm hoping once she receives this one she'll be more willing to donate the other one--it's not my best work and really too small for her to use).  It should look nice on her bed against her yellow wall too.

  • Cut 3 inch scrap squares in variety of blues.
  • Also used scrappy white squares cut 3 inches.
  • 25 squares across by 35 squares down.
  • Thrifted yellow and blue striped sheet for the back
  • Binding is a thrifted blue and white plaid sheet
  • Finished dimensions: basically 64 inches by 90 inches


  1. I love how your quilt came out! Don't you just love using sheets for the back of a quilt? As soon as Christmas is over I plan to spend time catching up on my unfinished quilt pile :O)

  2. That is beautiful. How could she not love such a work of art & love? Nice work.

  3. I love this quilt, so simple but so effective.

  4. Love the quilt, your daughter is very lucky. I like the blues - she will cherish it I am sure.

  5. What a great job you have done! I have the same book and you have inspired me to get cracking and make something from it! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Very nice - your daughter will love her new quilt. It's so simply but stunning at the same time. I love it!

  7. Congrats, it's beautiful! So fresh & peaceful too! This is my 1st time zooming around your blog, it's wonderful & you are very funny (love the dear so & so)! I have a question, you use sheets & vintage ones too as backings... I have always been told not to do this, have you ever had any problems with them? I think the vintage ones are so pretty & soft! Thanks too for sharing your quilter!! I have a queen top (at this juncture) that is intended to become a king but the thought of quilting it has been holding me back, now I might just go for it! I'll def. send choc & fabric!! :)

    1. Yes, we use sheets in our quilting all the time. It is a great way to save money. With all the quilts we've done with sheets (I can think of about 10!) we have had NO problems (and we are not dainty quilt users.) I can only assume the quilt police don't think you should use sheets bcuz they aren't "high quality" cotton designed to last for 100 years. But my experience is that sheets wear really well and will last a long time. Just my two cents... Good Luck!
