Thursday, December 16, 2010

Strangest Christmas Present Ever {Guest}

Or we could call this post "A Mother's love knows no bounds."

My friend Natalie has 4 boys who she must truly love because when her 11 yr. old decided that he wanted a Giant Squid pillow for Christmas she got to work and made him one.  This all started after he did a report for school on the Giant Squid--scientific name, Architeuthis.

Her inspiration came from this post, an equally "crazy in a good way" woman who must love her boyfriend as much as Natalie loves her #1 son.  And apparently these 2 are not the only ones who are squid-maniacs (see the post's commentary).

I think this is awesome and she did such a great job.  My only concern is that my 9 yr. old will see this and then decide that he needs one too, for his birthday in April.  Hide the squid!!!

So what's the strangest Christmas present you've ever made for someone or given to someone?

I'm dying to find out what crazy sewing/crafting you've done for your loved ones.


  1. That is one of the coolest presents!

  2. Oh my Goodness that thing is HUGE! But if the kid loves squids as much as you say then he will remember this Christmas for ever!! :)

  3. My boys would freak out if I made them giant squid! Though I have no idea what we would do with 3 floating around the house!!

  4. oh wow! That is a huge squid!! That must cost a small fortune in stuffing ;) But it is really cool!

  5. And here I thought I was a great Mama for making not one but TWO hallowe'en costumes for my munchkin this year (original was not preschooler potty friendly!). That is one awesome gift.

    I can't think of anything "weird" I've had to make, though I've certainly made things that turned out weird unintentionally....

  6. I make hats, so maybe no SO weird, but I made and Evil Dr. Porkchop" (Toy Story) hat this year. LOVE the giant squid!!! Nice work.

  7. I made a corduroy humpback whale for my sister-in-law, without a pattern. The giant squid wins!

  8. oh my gosh!! I had no idea it was that big seeing it just lying on the bed. You had to put that picture in there for just me, to see her standing on the bed with it! I love it! That mom rocks :D
