Friday, December 10, 2010

Aloha Quilt

During the summer my 8yr old wanted to learn how to sew. I thought the best way for her to practice lots of straight stitching would be to sew a bunch of quilt squares together. I had a stack of Hawaiian fabrics left over from our family reunion that I decided to cut up for her.

She worked really hard, got frustrated a lot, but in the end made this super fun first quilt.

Of course, her sewing wasn't exactly straight, there were parts that weren't laying flat when the top was done, but amazingly enough you can't even tell once it got quilted.

(I'm sure my family will recognize most of the fabrics we used!)

For the back I had a particular piece of fabric in mind. When we went to go buy it she vetoed it right away. Instead she picked out this turquoise print--Which in my opinion gives it a nice '80's Magnum P.I. feel. (I always loved that show!!) In the end I agree that her choice worked out better than what I had picked.

She is super happy with how it turned out, as am I. The only thing she didn't like was that I wouldn't let her quilt it herself. In fact, she was downright mad at me! I reassured her that when she'd had a few more hours of sewing behind her she'd get her shot at quilting, too.
Anyway, for a girl who's dream it is to get married in Hawaii, I think this quilt will satisfy her love for all things Hawaiian for the time being.

So, what about the other quilt I have for her??? Well, she knows about it, but doesn't know it's done. I asked her "What will happen if you end up with TWO quilts one day?" to which she replied, "I'll feel REALLY loved!"
So...the girl will have 2 quilts.

Details: Finished quilt measures 56" by 68".


  1. Oh my gosh, what a gorgeous quilt! She did such a good job, it turned out wonderfully. I love the backing fabric she picked out.

  2. I just love her response. So dear!

  3. She did a great job!! And I think her choice in backing works really well! I can't wait to do something like this with my daughter!

  4. Really cute and fun.
    It always amazes me how lots of craziness works out in the end.

  5. Way to go!!!! I love the turquoise for the back. It's perfect.

  6. That is an amazing first quilt, tell her good job. And I love the backing fabric too.

  7. What an amazing first quilt! It looks amazing :)

  8. Your daughter did a great job!! There is something special about a first quilt and she will always love this one. I love the colors too!

    Jennifer :)

    PS... nice job, Mom! You are obviously a great teacher.

  9. Oh that's lovely!! :) Lucky her to have a mom like you to teach her! :)

  10. Makes me want to go to hawaii! Great job! Thanks for linking to quiltstory!
