Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Giveaway

Today we are doing a giveaway, with a small twist...

The winner will get these lovely scraps from the Mendocino line by Heather Ross.  I think there are about 35 rectangles (about 1/2 of which are HR and 1/2 the blender fabrics).  I am currently working on a quilt for my 8 yr old using these fabrics.  When I went to buy the backing I found the fabric listed on etsy for... get this...$40 a yard!!!!  What?!  Don't even get me started on how ridiculous I think this is!  I quickly decided on a beautiful non $40/yd print.  But I digress...

Here is the twist:  To enter you must commit to helping us with our Zihuatanejo Bag Project for Project Million Amigos.  We don't care if you can only do one bag or 50, we just want you to help.   If you still want to win the scraps tell us in the comments section how many bags you will make.  Make sure you leave your email or some way for us to contact you.  We will draw a winner on Friday.  And if there happens to be a large enough response I might be willing to give up my eight Heather Bailey Pop Garden fat quarters as well. 

Now we know that there is no way we can check to make sure everyone actually makes their bags, but we believe that you all will be honest enough to commit only if you are serious and not just to win. Good Luck!

(Here is the simple bag tutorial if you're unsure of the difficulty level involved.)


  1. Count me in! I think this is wonderful... I can definitely make a bag or two. I have just the fabric, heavyweight ticking stripe.

    I might even blog about this project and see if anyone else wants to participate.


  2. I actually have a Costco sized diaper box full of decorater weight fabric in my hallway that I haven't sent to DI yet because I want to make some bags to send you! I'm not sure how many bags all my fabric will make, but I will ballpark it at at least 10!

  3. This is a good way to make me actually commit to something I was planning to get busy on. I have some yardage of home dec weight fabric leftover from a project and some denim yardage that will be perfect for these bags! I think I can probably commit to at least 10.


  4. I can definitely commit to making at least one, since I was planning to already. And I hope that I can make more than that.

  5. I can commit to making at least a handful now, and more after season passes. A great cause and a great giveaway. Thanks!


  6. I am in for making 12 bags!!! :)
    And the fabric will be used to make a charity quilt for an orphanage in Sangli...

  7. I can make two bag with some curtain fabric samples (that never got used)> Wish I could do more though.

  8. Count me in! I can probably make one or two bags. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    mamamel78 at hotmail dot com

  9. I would love to help out too. These bags are quick and easy, we did a project similar to this with our primary children to fill with school supplies for service. You can count me in for at least 5 I'll check my extra fabric yardage. Even if I don't win your fabric scraps, that I would love. I'll send them when I'm done.
