Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quilt Fix

This was not on my list of things to do at all, but sometimes you have to take care of life's little emergencies. I really hope that I don't have to do this ever again, because I do NOT enjoy picking out and repairing. I can do it...I just don't like it.

Earlier this Spring for my son's 9th b-day I made him a Crazy 9 patch quilt, per his request. He was thrilled with it and has used it every day since, taken it on sleep-overs, campouts, and is so happy to have it. Well a sad day occurred the other day when he was cutting up a big box to make some craft thing, but was doing it while his pillow and blanket were inside. Yeah, NOT a good idea....
He came crying and showed me this:
Yep, right thru ALL the layers of the quilt.Backside view
He asked me if I could fix it and when I told him "no" the wailing really started up. So then I amended that and told him I probably could, but it wouldn't look very good. He insisted I try and fix it up. He didn't care how it would look.

It really would've been easier to repair, I think, had he not cut all the way through the quilt. Then I could've just zigzagged it some. And I'm not sure what I did was the best way to go about it, but, oh well, it was what I could come up with in hurry since the boy was desperate.

Looking at the top I figured it wouldn't be too bad to repair. I had to undo about a foot of the binding and more of the quilting than I had anticipated in order to get to that section. Lucky for him it was a 9 patch that was right next to the outer sashing. (see top photo bottom right)
I replaced the little orange plaid square and also a little section of the sashing. I decided not to replace anything on the backing. The backing is one solid entire piece (I had bought 102" wide fabric specifically for it). So instead of cutting out the ruined section and putting in a new piece, I found an extra piece of the backing and then used Wonder-Under® to fuse the patch inside the quilt to the backside of the backing. Then I added some Fray Check™ for good measure. Once that was done I redid the quilting and reattached the section of binding. Almost as good as new.
It doesn't look as great on the back as on the front. And I'm not sure what else I could have done except cut out a section and then sew something back in, but the boy is happy to have it to use again and as Hubby said, "Maybe seeing that will help him remember to think a bit more before doing something the next time."


  1. Oh my goodness! That makes my stomach sick. Looks like you did a nice repair job. If it doesn't hold on the back you can always put a patch.

  2. Hi, i was looking for slip extenders and came across your blog. Could you write and tell how you made it? my blog is

  3. I didn't put a tag on the quilt, so maybe that is where I'll have to put the "Made by Mom with Love" tag if the back repair doesn't work. Or I'll just make a heart patch.

    I was sick too when he first showed me that.

  4. No!!!! I would be so sick about it.
