Tuesday, August 24, 2010

17 Down 39 To Go...

I have plenty of other projects that need to be finished, but here I go again starting something new...

It's actually quite therapeutic to sew all those tiny strings together. Who would've ever guessed.
It's going to be a bright one!
EDITED: Here is a great tutorial if you want to make your own string blocks. I am doing mine 8.5 inches --which means I am squaring off all my kids' school papers that were destined for the trash. My little way of recycling! :)


  1. I LOVE this!! Do you have a tutorial anywhere on how to do it? I've been searching for a cute scrappy quilt and this is it! Beautiful!!

  2. Wow. that looks completely awesome!

  3. brings a tear to my eye recognizing so many fabrics.
    * sniff. sniff. *

  4. That looks really really cool! I cant wait to see more!!

  5. What a cute idea. Love it! Thanks for linking up.

  6. What a cute idea. Love it! Thanks for linking up.
