Monday, July 26, 2010

Bee Vintage Blocks for August {Hexagons}

My mailbox is making me pretty happy these days as I receive my Sawtooth Star blocks from my fellow Bee Vintage ladies.

As I wait for the remainder of my blocks, Jennifer posted her request for August. Hexagon Blocks from this tutorial. Since August is a super-busy-start-of-school-end-of-summer kind of month I decided to knock my blocks out asap. That way I could focus on school prep and the last days of summer vacation.

Here is what I came up with.

I didn't sew the middle seams together because the quilt goes together in rows. That way there are no Y seams to maneuver.

This block is my favorite. I happened to find the floral as a pillowcase at my local thrift store and then received another FQ of it during the swap. That gives me a total of 3 FQ's to work with. I think it's a beautiful print!

Now that my obligations are taken care of, I'm off to pack for a week long vacation with my husband and kids. If you need me, I'll be doing laundry!


  1. this is amazing...these prints are so beautiful. you did such a nice job

  2. Really cool shapes. Maybe one day I'll graduate to something more difficult than squares and strips.

  3. ohhh i love that my tutorials are being used for a bee!!
