Monday, May 10, 2010

B/W Tessallation Quilt {Finally finished}

So about a year ago I finished the top to this quilt. Then life happened...alot. And I didn't want to do whatever and screw it up. I actually tried to finish it for Christmas this past year for hubby. But I was having issues with the quilting and needed to pick it all out and start over. FRUSTRATING! So I put it away again and finished up some other things before finally setting a goal for myself to "get 'er done".

I still had to pick out all the quilting (basic cross hatch) I didn't like and sort of did that as I was doing the new quilting. Originally I had thought about quilting each whirlygig, decided that was too time consuming; however, that is exactly what I came back to. And I really like how it looks--it makes me much much happier, and considering how much work I put into it I want this quilt to make me happy.

Now it is D-O-N-E! As sort of an evolution during this past year of working on it I decided it would be an anniversary quilt. We celebrated 15 years this past week! Hubby made a simple quilt for me while we were engaged with the help of his grandma. Now it is my turn.

Finished size: HUGE!...actually 84" x 86"

(I'm not sure I'll ever do one this big again--or at least for a VERY long time. Give me some easy baby blankets any day.)

Embroidered Hearts found HERE for a free download.


  1. Wow, THAT is huge. And very cool.

  2. love the little heart detail. the quilt turned out great!

  3. Wow! Looks great! (I am very impressed with how big it is! I am not brave enough to try something that large!!)
