Friday, April 9, 2010

Class Quilts

I was inspired originally by this idea from Carin at Margaret's Hope Chest. Carin was nice enough to respond to my e-mail and answer some questions about how to pull this off with my own children and their classmates for an upcoming auction in 2 weeks for the school's fundraiser. Recently Carin has also been teaching this great class at her kids' school.

I do not have the scrap stash that Carin does, so I wasn't equipped to do exactly how she did it. Instead, I decided that we could do Crazy 9 patch quilts. That way the kids really could do WHATEVER they wanted and we'd all be happy about it together. We started this project back in February as part of the kids' Valentine's Day parties.

It was interesting to see how the kids responded to this project. We did one quilt with 1st graders and then one with 5th graders. Some kids totally got into it--both boys and girls. Some only wanted to do 1 block, even though I was hoping for 2 apiece. Some were very meticulous and organized in which scraps they chose. And others just threw whatever together and called it good. Only one 5th grade boy had the "I'm too cool to do this" attitude. We eventually got him to put a block together anyway (alternating lime green/black). Funny enough, he was the first one lined up to sign his name by his block when I came back to the classes with the tops completed.
1st Grade Class Quilt

5th Grade Class Quilt

Thanks teachers and kids! I hope our combined efforts are a success at the auction.


  1. They turned out really, Really nice! Good work, Renae!

  2. What a fun idea. Its great to expose so many kids to sewing.

  3. How fun - what a great idea! (stopping by from the swap)

  4. You are awesome! I'm sure everyone loved it.
