Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Giveaway: Dream a little Dream

Giveaway is now closed
September is National Sewing Month (anyone know who decides these things). Leave a comment and share with us your sewing dream. Maybe it's your own private space, or just sprucing up that space, finishing what you started. Or learning a new technique.

My dream: Making my sewing room ultra girly. And a place I want to be (I'm thinking new paint. and lots of pink) Oh and I also want to make a zigzag quilt for my living room.

Dream letters. 9" tall.

Winner will be announced Friday, September 4th.


  1. I love those letters!!! My sewing dream would be to have a week ALL ALONE to sew to my hearts content!!


  2. I do love those letters! My dream would be to have my own sewing room. Right now I share a desk in a walk-in closet with the computer and other office stuff. But to have a whole room with a closet and space would be wonderful!


  3. My dream, not so secret... , is to finally have a sewing,art,craft room, so I haven't to take in-out every time all...
    ...and my second sewing dream is make a pettyskirt for my girl!!!

  4. My dream would be to have enough space to have my sewing friend join me in my room, so we could do retreats right here in my home, nice and close to the oven and stove. We all need fudge and cake for quilting marathons! Better yet, someone to serve it to us so we don't have to stop sewing!
    That's my dream

  5. I am just learning to sew so my dream would be to have more time (2 little kids makes this tough)to learn all the little trick and techniques so my projects turn out better and don't take an extra 5 hours to complete.

  6. My dream would be to have an organized, peaceful, and creative place to sew. I have a dedicated room and enough fabric, patterns, and notions to keep me busy for a lifetime. Unfortunately, it's such a jumbled mess that it's more overwhelming then inspiring.

  7. I want to:
    - Have my own space
    - own a Bernina 830
    - learn better quilting technique and make an impossibly complicated pieced quilt; i.e. have corners & lines line up. i don't ask for much!
    - be patient enough to teach my daughters ('cause I'm not) and for them to have a machine of their own to practice on.
    I think i need to stop.

  8. My dream is to have a place to sew! In our 680 sq ft apartment, space is tight!
    At least I do have a Bernina that I LOVE and a dining room table to use.
    I wish I could sew ALL DAY, but unforuntately, work gets in the way.

    Thanks for the great giveaway! :)

  9. My husband and I visited the Parade of Homes again this year and I realized part way through that the only homes I would give permanent space in my memory to were the homes with amazing craft/ sewing rooms. Since then I've been doing a lot of thinking about amazing craft rooms (since I live in a tiny apartment and I figure it can't hurt since there is no hope of having one for the next few years). So here is my dream sewing/ craft room: a large island in the middle at the right height for laying out fabric to cut out pattern pieces so your back doesn't get sore bending over, a low desk with an outlet right next to it perfect for a sewing machine to live on (and never have to get put away!), lots of cupboards and drawers for supplies to live in an organized fashion, beautiful artsy things on the walls to inspire me and make me feel cozy, and a door that will close my mess off to the world so I don't have to worry about cleaning up when I'm in the middle of a project!

  10. Those letters are so cute! You guys always do the cutest things though. My sewing dream would be to have my own room for sewing that wasnt shared with guns or toys. Maybe someday Ill be there.

  11. Although I can't win...My dream is to have my sewing room back! (had one in my old house!) I want a counter along one whole wall for my sewing machines, a design wall for my quilt projects, a dress form(!!), and a closet big enough for my fabric stash not to spill out everywhere. And put a lock on the door so the kids can't rearrange things when I'm not looking. :) Someday...

  12. My sewing dream is to create my own patterns and then make the quilts!

  13. My sewing dream (besides the obvious: more time and space) is to finish my Dear Jane quilt before next April, and I really do dream of learning to sew clothing well. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  14. One of my dreams would be to be able to sew all day and not have to get interrupted or stop to mess with kids--that'll actually happen 3 years from now when the youngest hits 1st grade.

    I think I may just have to plan that right now for the first day of school--it'll either be that, or go back to bed. We'll see.

  15. Would love to simply have more room! My "craft space" is a teeny desk in the corner of my dining room.


  16. my dream...it to acutally finish my projects before started/purchasing materials for another project! :) LOVE LOVE LOVE the letters....:) but i never win anything...but hey maybe this will be my lucky time!

  17. hmmm, my sewing room is coming along. I would love a wooden trunk with wheels to organize fabric in. (I want to put dowels in it, hanging file style and hang the fabric on each). My true sewing dream is to put my Varina's Garden on etsy, and eventually own a shop by that name in downtown Fuquay.

  18. A sewing machine that can do more than just straight lines and zig-zags! And the time and energy to do all the projects I want to.

  19. my dream would involve me having a beautiful space to work, all kinds of time and motivation, and that my quilting skills would get better by ten fold just by dreaming it!!!

  20. My dream would be to have a sewing room again! I have what you'd call a nook, lol.

  21. My dream would be to open my own business of a knick knack store where I could just go to auctions and shop and just enjoy my days. :) Thank you for the giveaway!

    tiffanys819 at gmail dot com

  22. Oh my ultimate dream would be my own sewing room designed and set up specifically for quilting and sewing, with lots of storage space for my stash which is already leaking out of all the drawers I DO have! And being able to walk over and use my longarm machine (which I don't really have) and fantastically stipple quilt a beautiful work of art! (stippling is a little more challenging for me, I'm just a beginner)

  23. Oh a sewing room of my own! Oh a girl can dream can't she? that would be something I would love to have one day.

  24. My dream is to have an organized and large craft room all for me in my house.

  25. My sewing dream... I have a sewing room that keeps getting taken over by boxes. I want to clean out those boxes and paint big red circles on the wall and around them put words in random places that are insperational like: CREATE, IMAGINE, DREAM, FOCUS, PLAYFUL, WONDER, etc. I don't know why red for the dots... it just seems to be a motivating kind of color, very bright and cheerful. Then I want to create really pretty storage shelving that I can use to put my ribbons and fabric in or show it off on. Oh, I have ideas... these letters are so pretty! They would look perfect in my dream sewing room!

  26. Ha! My sewing dream is to get through a pattern all by myself without having to call mom just to "double check". :)

  27. My dream would be to complete my first wall hanging quilt and to be proud of it. I think it is a wonderful gift to be able to create something to make a home more cozy and comfy.

  28. Dreaming of my own space
    Realizing all my projects
    Enyoying the art of sewing
    Attempting new things
    Making projects with love

  29. Getting my sewing room organized enough to make room for the table my mom is (hopefully) bringing me in a couple weeks!

  30. My sewing dream is to one day have an HQ16 quilting system, and a room to put it in :-) Thanks for a great giveaway.

  31. I would love to finish the Christmas quilt I started a long time ago!
    believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

  32. I love the letters. I think that my sewing dream would have to be... to get all of my started yet unfinished projects DONE!

  33. I love the letters and the word "Dream". That's how all the creativity starts! My "sewing dream" is to get my sewing room to look the way I want it--soft and feminine done in creams and pink with lots of roses! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

    Cathy ♥

    PS-- I also listed your giveaway on my events blog under Giveaways. www.blogeventsdex.blogspot.com
