Sunday, August 23, 2009

August Giveaway

Leave a comment to be entered to win and tell us how you spent your summer vacation.

Toddler skirt in navy with white polka dots. Fits age 2 or 3.
10.25" in length
waist is 16.5" around.

Winner will be announced Friday, Aug 28th.


  1. working...with some movies, day trips, walks with friends, making ice cream, and sewing.

  2. Wandering the U.S. in a van with 4 kids . . . seeing Niagara Falls, Washington D.C., Mt. Rushmore and a lot in between.

  3. We went camping out on a friends place this summer, the kids got to go horseback riding for the first time ever, berry picking and quadding, it was a blast

  4. We wentto "Val d'aosta" mountain this summer,walks with friends,sleep and sleep!

  5. Our summer has been busy with a family reunion, bbaby showers, lots of baby showers, weddings, birthdays, field trips, outings to Grandma's eating fresh fruit, running in the sprinklers and relaxing after hooking my kids on my fave show as a kid "Saved By the Bell". It's been busy and fun.

  6. lots of movie rentals, my favorite was Phoebe in Wonderland, made my first pair of capris - turned out pretty good, enjoyed the last few days of my 5 year old son being at home before starting Kindergarten . . .

  7. We had an unusually mild summer here in Nashville so we got to spend a lot of time outside instead of keeping cool indoors. The park, swimming, the zoo, a really fun weekend trip to Chicago, a trip to Atlanta and IKEA (love that store!). This summer I discovered that I love to sew! It was a fun and noisy summer vacation with 3 kids 6 and under!

    BTW, I really enjoy your blog!

  8. Most of our summer was spent at home. I didn't want to vacation with a 5 month old. However, about a week ago my older kids (2 and 4 years old) saw a video of us at the beach last year and insisted on going. So, here we are, at the beach!

  9. I need a vacation from my summer vacation ... lol! I'm exhausted trying to exhaust my children ... water parks, camping, LONG car trip to the beach, parks, zoo, botancial gardens. I've gone through 4 bottles of sunscreen so we are all just as pale as when summer started. :)

  10. relaxing at home and playing at the playground with my daughter. and lots and lots of sewing while she napped!
