Monday, July 20, 2009


Our neighbors have 9 kids, the oldest of which got married on Saturday. I volunteered myself awhile back to sew dresses for all 5 of the bride's little sisters. It became more of a project than I cared for simply because we decided to buy a house, move, and be in charge of a family reunion during that same time frame. It came down to the wire, there were some tense moments, but I got them all finished!

For the three youngest girls aged 5, 3, and 1.

There was another green one for the 8 year old--but no picture.

I used the old standby pattern for the big dresses, and this one for the little green!

The bride chose bright orange, yellow, and lime green as her wedding colors. I have to admit that I was a wee bit sceptical that they would even look nice at the reception, but I was wrong. The colors worked great for her outdoor party.

The little girls were so cute. When they saw me at the reception they all came up to me to show me how they looked in their new dresses. They were quite smitten with themselves in them!

(For these skirts I used this pattern again)

At the last minute I also made these 2 skirts for the teenage sister and a sister in-law. You can't see the fabric detail, but it has tiny orange dots on the white. Again, the two big girls loved their skirts, also. It made all the hard work and late nights worth it. But, remind me the next time I volunteer myself for something like this...maybe I should think twice!


  1. So cute! You always pick the best little girl dress patterns and fabrics.

  2. these are so great...the colors are so bright and fun. Great job

  3. They do look cute! Love the little flowers with it.

  4. Those dresses are just adorable.

  5. ohemgosh!!!! those skirts are to die for!! i love them!! can i have one??


  6. THose dresses are really great. The colours are so much fun together. And the flowers on them, really cute!

  7. loved this dress so much, that I just made one myself! Super cute!
