Monday, June 8, 2009

Tie Dye and An Experiment

As part of our family reunion activities this year, we are having theme nights each night. We've all been busy working on our "get-ups" for each of the nights.
For 70's Night it's all about the Tie Dye! Here are all my shirts!

Since I was dying so many shirts, I opted for a solid color tie dye. It was a lot less messy and way less stressful for me. I'm sure the neighbors wondered what rainbow hippie died in my backyard when I had all my shirts hanging up to dry. It was quite the sight! But all the neighbor kids were like "cool shirts!"

My husband and I will never wear ours again, I'm sure, but our kids on the other hand couldn't put theirs on fast enough! I think they'll wear them every possible day they can. The reunion should be hilarious with 30 different shirts going on. I think we should change the night to "Ugly Shirt Night" or "Neon Night." Seems a bit more appropriate than just "70's Night."

I decided that I'd experiment and try dying some white fabric along with my shirts.
After washing and drying, my fabric came out a bit lighter than I had hoped, but not too terrible for a first time experiment.

The blue had the worst amount of this marbling look to it, but again, I can live with it. The yellow came out the best.

At this point, I don't have a particular project in mind. (My pieces were half yards.)

Anyone else had any experience dying fabric? Or any tie dye stories you want to share?


  1. i haven't done tie dye in forever but i remember many happy days at camp filled with it! ideas for your fabric but i can't wait to see what you do!

  2. I can't wait to see pictures from your family reunion. Sounds like it's going to be a blast. Tiffany

  3. Z. and I dyed ours today--He and hubby are having camo tie-dye. I hope that they turn out the way we envision them.
