Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gardening Party Birthday

This year for the 6 year old we had a little gardening themed party. Below are a few of the things that we did with 7 little kindergarten girls.

I made gardening aprons for all the little girls--mostly because I wanted to try out a pattern out of my A is for Apron book. But also, anytime I can reduce the stash of my fabric for a good cause I'm willing. I'll post in a day or two more of a detailed tutorial on how to make the little aprons. They were fun to do and all the little girls were happy to take one home. Total Cost for Aprons: $10.00

One of the things that we did to go along with our theme was each girl got to plant a couple petunias in a pot to take home. I scored big on the pots--the night before the party I found these cute ceramic containers at Menards for 33 cents apiece!! Oh yeah!!

I was so happy as I'd been trying to get clay pots for cheaper than a $1 apiece at any of the garden or craft stores but no one was having any sales on them. I had originally bought plastic cups to use for their flowers--but now I'll just save them for the 4th of July party.

For $1 I found these wallpaper stickers at the Dollar Tree and used those to decorate the pots. Each girl got about 4 different butterflies to put on their pot. A couple of the finished ones are shown below. Flower Project:

7 Pots at 33 cents apiece = $2.33
3 - 6 pk. of any kind annual flowers at $1.85 each = $5.55
Butterfly wallpaper stickers at $1.00 each
Total Cost: $8.88 Favor bags included:

  • Floral pencils
  • Flower pinwheels (shown above in the houseplant)
  • Starbursts
  • Balloons

All at about $1 per package

Miss B. was very specific this year on what her cake should look like. She kept telling me that she wanted a wedding cake. You always have to find out what that means when they say stuff like that. For her "wedding" meant differing sized layers and different flavors per layer, along with some flowers. Below is what I came up with: One 9 x 9 chocolate layer and one round vanilla layer. Frost it, add a little decorative border and throw (loose term) on some fake flowers. I probably could've done a little better job with the placement of the flowers, but all in all I was pleased with it.

Cake Mix for $1.00
Butterfly find at Michael's for $1.99. (We found it near the floral decorating items)
2 bunches of flowers at the Dollar Tree for $2.
Homemade frosting
Total cake cost: $7-8
Here is our table setting:

Pack of paper plates $1
Pack of paper napkins $1
Pack of pink plastic cups $1
Pack of plastic silverware $1
Total Cost papergoods: $4 (with a bunch of items still left over)

Lunch---probably around $10-15 for chicken nuggets, grapes, chips, and lemonade.

Grand Total: around $50


  1. Very nice! I'm sure B was happy. Were are the pictures of them in their cute little aprons?

  2. O.K. I wasn't planning on this getting posted today--so I didn't have all the pics uploaded. You should be able to see it now.

  3. this is such a great idea for a little girls party...i love those butterfly stickers!! The cake is so fun

  4. Wow. I just spent $120 on my son's birthday party, and I thought I was doing GOOD! you blew me away!

  5. Just goes to show that you don't need to spend a small fourtune on a party to have a great party.

    Sometimes you can cut some corners without cutting the fun.

    For more great budget party hints and tips check out

  6. This is going to be such a memorable party for her! A cake like that would've cost a fortune to buy.

  7. Wow, this is AWESOME! The activities are fantastic! I'm so impressed with your creativity and budget resourcefulness! I'll be linking to this.
