Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tote Bag Winner Announced

I had to interrupt Mr. C.'s T.V. watching for a moment so he could help me out.

And our January giveaway winner is:

Here is what Joy wrote us about her New Year's resolution:
"I never win these things but this year I would like to learn how to quilt. I already have the material for my first project!"

Well, Joy......never say never. :) Congratulations!! And I think you should let us know when you finish your quilt. Just e-mail us your address at and we'll get your tote bag sent out.

And a big THANKS to everyone for stopping by our blog. We have a few more ideas in store for the upcoming months' giveaways that you won't want to miss. And we're thinking of doing a swap in April. It should be lots of fun!!


  1. And doesn't he look so "thrilled" that you interrupted his TV viewing! :)
