Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ornament memories

I got this idea from my BFF: Each year we buy an ornament that represents that person, their interests, or an event from the past year.  Here are our past two years:

2007 - Nathan (Noah's Ark) for surviving tough financial year @ work
Shauna (thread tree) for her interest in sewing
Joshua (car) for getting his driver's license in July & getting a car in Sept
Bethany (cell phone tree) for breaking 1 phone & dropping 1 in the toilet (don't ask) & constant use
Hannah (bicycle) for getting a bike and overcoming her fear of learning to ride

2008 -  Nathan (life jacket) for water skiing after 25 years
Shauna (butterfly) for spreading her wings & starting to fly
Joshua (graduation frame) for graduating from high school & seminary & getting his Eagle
Bethany (dog) for getting one after 5 years of dreaming/asking
Hannah (baby) because she is in constant demand for babysitting (2-3 jobs/week) - couldn't find $ one

So maybe y'all would like this, too.  It makes for an interesting tree & conversations & memories.


  1. Cuuuute! I love this idea. Wish Hannah lived nearby. And your butterfly makes me smile. Go Shauna.

  2. Love those, I'm never organized enough to look for meaningful ornaments. Probably because I know my kids will take "theirs" off the tree and hide it and say things like "it's mine!"
