Friday, November 7, 2008

Penguin Pillow

In the midst of the "Sound of Music" costume madness that has been taking place in my sewing room over the last 6 weeks or so, I have also been trying to reduce some of my own projects or loose ends that I keep finding as I am moving things around or trying to find something.

My sewing room doesn't make me particularly happy right now as it is so crowded with costumes, etc. That should be alleviated here soon. Dress rehearsal for the musical is on the 15th and the show starts on the 21st. The end is in sight!! I will post about some of that once we get to that point so you can see some of those costumes that I've been working on.

Anyway, while searching for who knows what this week, I found this little remnant piece of fleece. I am pretty sure I bought it, but can't remember what I was planning on doing with it. But, I decided to whip up a little pillow to throw on my couch to dress it up a bit for the upcoming holidays.
I just made it with a little overlapped flap in the back--for easy insert and removal AND washing if need be. And sewed it so that there was a little flange edge around the entire pillow. So easy!
I attached a small piece of velcro to each overlapped edge (on the back) to help it remain closed. If I had had a little more fabric I could have overlapped it more and then not needed any velcro (or snap or button or whatever you may want to use).

Well, one project down...and who knows how many more to go. But anyway, it feels good to at least get this little project taken care of. I'm sure it'll be the cause of much fighting and bickering over who gets to use it while watching T.V. 'Tis the season!

1 comment:

  1. I just took my girls christmas fabric shopping to buy their own material to make a christmas pillow case each
