Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Party People continued....

I just had to show how cute these Martha decorations look. They are still hanging (and might linger even longer) because I love them so much. I MUST make pink ones for L's bday in December.

and you can see my plate wall...I've been gradually adding to it. If you see any great finds in these colors let me know. I ended up using dessert plates in 5-8". They just seem to be the right size.

here is the garland:

(after viewing this photo I suddenly have the urge to clear my refrigerator of the mess/storage. U-G-L-Y! )

1 comment:

  1. My kids love the puff balls! Can't wait to see the pink bday party decorations. This is probably one of the easiest things to do and makes the place look so festive.
