Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Birds

Got a little sidetracked from my PA needlepoint and started working on a Bird Mobile to replace this Ikea one (see below) in my baby's room. It's been on my "to-do" list for a while and I'm so happy to have it completed.



I thought this would be such an easy project. And although I love it, it was a total nightmare. The birds are easy enough to sew. It's the balancing of the mobile that is a problem. Ridiculous!! I resorted to some unconventional methods and was frustrated most of the time. So take on this project knowing you need patience.

added some extras to this corner of her room also

My variations:
1. Used a sewing machine instead of hand sewing the birds. I'm not sure why the tutorial suggests hand sewing. Although lovely it's totally unecessary and very time consuming
2. Used double sided tape to seal ends of tails. Did not like how sewing machine topstitch looked and.....got lazy/impatient! Seems to be holding up just fine though.
3. Used clear jewelry thread to hang. (Others have used yarn, ribbon, heavy thread)

a view of thread I used to hang

and baby was more interested in step stool used to hang mobile.

and the corner of her room


  1. Wow! I really, REALLY like the birds! So much more your style than the Ikea one. And of course, dang cute baby!

  2. Thanks! The mobile is so much cuter in person though.

  3. I saw that mobile too, and it is just so beautiful! Yours looks amazing :-)
    I haven't tried it because of the balancing issues.... asked on their blog if it was hard to hang, and never got an answer..... so I figured that was a yes!
    You did a wonderful job!

    And what a cute cute cute baby!!

  4. It is definitely hard to hang...birds flop over to belly side up if they are not balanced. So I ended up super glueing them to the sticks. Then you have to figure out where stick itself is balanced. Just so very obnoxious. Glad I did it because I love how it looks, but never again.

  5. Love your fabrics for the birds. Great color combo--can't go wrong with black, red, and white. L. sure is looking cutie patootie! And watch out for the mobility thing--that will make life all the more interesting at your house.

  6. By the way--I love your shadow box with the red velvet dress and your little picture. Too darling--and what a great momento. That has to be one of my all-time favorite baby pics of you.

  7. Thats an adorable mobile! And your little girl is so cute!!!!

  8. Thanks for the idea...adding the pic. I like it too.

  9. I really, really want to come live in L's room. It's so much cooler than mine!

  10. I just love this! I made one from the newest baby in our house and the birds went together sew easy ;) Hanging it took some patience but it was well worth the effort!!!
