Monday, June 16, 2008

Hooded Towel

It has come to the point where L is too big to use his baby hooded towels, but he is still cold when he gets out of the tub.  I came across this hooded towel tutorial that was super easy to follow!!  It took me about 30 minutes to finish it.  

My only thing that I would do differently next time, is buying a thinner towel.  I use towels that we already had and they were so thick that it #1 hard to sew through and #2 it broke my needle.  So I think a thinner hand towel and towel would work out better.


  1. Love hooded towels. My big kids still like them. I like the shape of yours better than the ones that I've done.

    The other thing you can do if your towel is thick is to try using either a denim needle or an upholstery needle. They are intended for thicking fabrics and won't break as easily.

  2. Very nice Ashlee! Way cuter than other hooded towels I've seen people make! You did good!

  3. Ooh I like that...will make one when baby outgrows current towel

  4. Way to go, Ash! You're just jumping right in to the sewing thing. Isn't it fun?
