Saturday, June 7, 2008

Checking off that list

I'm taking a break from those needlepoint states for a few days because my wrists are literally hurting. I'm feeling a second wind of motivation to conquer that looming pile though. My parents are coming this week so I had to get my sewing station organized in the guest bedroom.

It was literally strewn across the entire room until this photo.
Eventually I want to paint this room another color since it is the same as the upstairs. Pink! But that is not high on my home decor list right now.

project inspirations

Another motivation is a trip to Pennsylvania for the fourth of July. There are lots of things I want to finish before we go. Mostly some new clothes (skirts) for me. And last night I had some killer ideas for other Perfect Dresses for L. They are going to be so cute!!!

This is what I worked on yesterday. and I am so happy with how it turned out. Love, love, love it!

18" red felt pillow
Total cost = less than $4
(copied idea from here. original Pier1 pillow was $30 and much smaller)

The room view

And fabric close-up of the other pillow:


  1. i love the felt red pillow. its awesome.
    i am starting my jcrew jacket today. i got scared of white so i am doing a black one with purple lining (i thought black would be more forgiving). we'll see how that goes. i also saw that you have the blue wrap ruffle dress on one of your inspiration boards. funny because i was just looking at patterns to copy that one for my sister in law's wedding.
    we should have been fashion designers.

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment! I'm so excited you enjoyed the posts. BTW, I love, love, love what you did with this pillow! I couldn't even tell that was felt. I can't believe you did this for only $4! I need more creative ways to spend less on my projects. This looks like something I'd see in Domino. Love your blog and I too will be stopping by often!

  3. Looks really good Les!! I have to get serious about finishing a few more of my projects that are lingering around.

  4. I LOVE your red pillows!!! I am going to have to get me a "Keep calm" motto to hang in my family room. Your house looks amazing.

  5. Your pillow turned out perfect! From my view you'd never know it was a copy cat and not the original! And mom will be happy your sewing room is put together :)

  6. Leslie, I love the red pillows! Your family room looks great.
