Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Memory Game

I saw a really cool memory game online recently. Modern and hip...but $40. So I decided to make my own. Found the 2" chipboard squares at the local Robert's and used all my scrap paper. I bought 40 squares and it was $4.50 (had a coupon).

I left the other side blank so the chipboard is showing, but you could choose one paper (solid or patterned) to mount to the back side for a more finished look.

I used Duro all-purpose spray adhesive (found at JoAnn Fabrics), but there are many brands and you can find it at any craft store. It is an aerosol can. I just followed the instructions on the back of the can: Spraying both the back side of my paper and the chipboard for a more permanant mount.

***check out the comments for some cool variations. a personal fave: using photos of family members for your memory game. Most of our relatives do not live close and what a great way for kids to feel connected. I love it!!


  1. That is really cute! And a good way to use up scrap paper. I'm thinking you could do it for seasons/holidays/parties. What is chipboard?

  2. Just dense cardboard basically...got it in the scrapbooking section..all kind of shapes and sizes.

    That would be very cute for the seasons. I was thinking also a monochromatic version for big people to make it harder. all green patterns or something.

  3. I think you ladies must have more hours in the day than I do...or maybe kids who don't scream at the store...or kids who actually take a nap...or kids who are all in school! Whatever it is I'm a little green with envy for all your creative time. :)

  4. It's only Leslie :) The rest of us sneak in time for projects during naps and late at night. And it takes us a lot longer to actually FINISH a project. But we are always 'thinking' about projects--that's our creative disease. With her 1 child to our 4 and 5 we are WAY behind in keeping up, though. :) Darn overachiever!!

  5. That is SO cute!! Great way to use all those scraps (I have a drawer full of scrap paper cuz I just can't throw decent sized pieces away!!!)

  6. Yea, my goal in life is to just be normal, but really I'm still crazy. My sisters make me want to bang my head against the wall, even though they don't mean to. :-) I have to remind myself of the parable of the ten talents - I'm the one with just a few & my sisters have the ten, but as long as you try!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Shauna--your are so full of it. You have talents!

  9. great idea - I am such a paper hoarder, scraps & all!

  10. Beautful! I've been meaning to do something like this with laminated photo squares, as a way to highlight favorite objects / far away family.

  11. i wonder what age memory games are appropriate for? school age? i have vague memories of playing them.

  12. I think that I'm not getting it. what kind of glue did you use? Also did you leave the backs blank or use all one kind of paper for them? I want to make these for christmas presents so I need to get cracking now. Thanks! I love that you did yours on chipboard, the originals are just cardstock and won't last that long I think.

  13. These are awesome. And I love the idea of doing a monochromatic version as well. Or even versions with all cool colors or at least analogous colors.... Many possibilities! I second the detail questions asked by bread and butter up there. Glue suggestions? Suggestions for the other side? I must know! (I am a lazy double-sided tape chick and I am betting that wouldn't fly here.) Mod Podge? Run them through a xyron?

  14. I just finished this project as a b-day present for a 2-year-old and I love it!!! I found some animal print origami paper (safari themed!) and then picked up some little animal figurines to go along in the little drawstring bag! Thank you so much!!
