Thursday, April 24, 2008

Landscaping project

Here in the upper Midwest we are FINALLY starting to warm up enough that it appears it is going to stay that way. This past weekend has been fabulous and so now I am getting a little more serious about the front flower garden that is currently an unfinished MMMMMMudpit! Today we are raining, so nothing else to do on it today.
Here is my little doodle sketch of what I am aiming for--albeit a bit wider--about 8' across and 4' wide.
Last Summer/Fall sometime I ripped out a pine tree in this spot and cleared out a ton of little landscape rock. My drawing it a bit of the vision of what I wanted to put in its place. For now I am bordering the edge with large landscape rock. I've run out of the rock that I salvaged from my parents' house last year. I need them to either bring me some more of it or make a trek myself after school gets out. My bet is that it won't happen until summer when I go pick it up myself.
I've started doing a little bit on it and this weekend we are putting in the posts and lattice--YEAH!! Then I can start moving some of the plants from my backyard to this spot. And I can go buy the new ones that I have in mind. We are so sick of Winter here and are dying for a little green and warmth in our lives. The little kids wanted to buy plants earlier this week, but we're just not ready to put them in the ground yet. Hopefully next week we can do it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good - you are a good artist, too! I love outdoor projects, especially when they are done & growing. I have a hard time waiting for them to start looking nice.
