Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fruits & Flowers Dress

I love this fabric. This was one of those times that I was trying to be "good" and not buy extra fabric to then figure out what to do with it later. So I only bought 3 yards. THEN 2 or 3 days later decided that I really liked it and wanted the rest of it. Went to the fabric store and it was gone. My hubby, I'm sure, is happy that it was gone, but I was a bit disappointed. Oh well...that's what I get for trying to be "good" about my fabric buying.

This is a modified version of McCall's 4907. I shortened the sleeves and then added the band on both the sleeves and the bottom of the hem. B. looks so cute in this dress. It buttons up the back. The only thing I might change is I think the neckline is a bit droopy (this is not a fitted dress) and so if I make this again I may cut the neckline up higher so you don't get a view when she bends over.


  1. I love the border around the bottom. So cute. I would raise the neckline too. Go modesty!!!

  2. Is it knit fabric? Cute--Whatever it is!!

  3. No--all cotton! But it didn't seem too wrinkly when I pulled it out of the dryer so we should be good to go.
