Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Fabric Wall" Mini Quilt

I have always LOVED the fabric store! Our mom used to take us there a lot as kids. She would spend lots of time searching through rows and rows of fabric to find just the right piece, so...consequently, we would spend lots of time searching through fabric, too. I really love the way all the fabric looks on the walls in a "rainbow" row--Starting from reds and going on to pinks, to yellows, and then to the greens and blues...That wall of fabric has inspired my latest mini project.

Like Renae, I can't throw a good piece of fabric away, but unlike Renae, I do love to create quilts. I am by no means a "quilter", merely a sewer who likes quilts. I love the idea of turning a tiny scrap of fabric into a beautiful work of art. I am probably more fascinated, though, with the idea of using/recycling things that no longer have a use into something pretty and useful. I am constantly wondering how I can use old shirts, dresses, jeans, etc for new projects. But when all else fails, I cut smaller pieces of fabric into 6" squares to add to my ever growing and constantly changing patchwork stash.

I am trying to finish the last bits of my sewing room "swap" with K's bedroom, so while I'm trying to get organized I am also trying to think of things that would look great and "inspiring" on my new sewing room walls. I have decided that I need a huge magnet board to post all my ideas on (my cork board is way too ugly), I'd love to have some great pictures, and I need some quilts to add lots of color and "life" to the room. (If anyone know of a place to get inexpensive (and pretty) dress forms, I'm also trying to get one of those, too!) I guess my love of the "rainbow wall" and my love of all fabrics (I haven't met a piece of fabric I didn't like...) has made me crazy enough for this little quilt.

I started out thinking that I would replicate the "wall" with little bits of fabric--so I started out with 2" x 6" pieces of as many fabrics as I had in my junk stash. Well, that didn't go as far as I had thought, so I had to dip into my regular stash as well. I just started putting them together in color rows until I had the desired length. But that seemed a bit boring and really "unrandom", so I took each color row, cut it in half and "flipped it" around. So now it gives me the look I was after, with a lot more random-ness thrown in! Now I just need to come up with a cool way to hang it!

On a side note: This is very typical at my house. The minute I lay out a project it seems one of my kids (usually the littlest ones) is right there to walk across it over and over! Case in point would be when I was trying to find a 'back' for this project my little S came running over, grabbed her book and blanket and said "night-night" right on top of my project. Umm..Excuse me, Miss, I can't work under these conditions! :D


  1. Pretty quilt Em. I also would loooooove a dress form. Have wanted one since I've been married so we are going on six years here. Maybe with the tax return money. Found one I like for $70. Talk to me if interested. And you definitely need an inspiration fun.

  2. I don't know exactly what kind of dress form you want but there's a decorative one at Rod Works. Their store is in Lehi and I saw it online for $25. I don't think it's a functional one because it's only 24" tall but it would be a cool accessory in your sewing room.

  3. don't your kids understand you are an R-teest?

  4. Pretty quilt--I will say that IF I were to quilt--it would be the small wall hanging size and that's it.

  5. I have to smile when I think of you loving to look at all the colors of fabrics. Whenever I went into the fabric store the kids would put up a fuss and say, "Not the fabric store, we hate the fabric store." Hence they do not have a love for sewing. Too bad!
