Saturday, April 26, 2008

Eyelet Extender Slip

I bought this great dress knowing full well that I had to modify it to suit my longer legs with something like this slip.

Here is my finished product! I am pretty happy with how it turned out. And thanks to Leslie for suggesting those great RED shoes. We chicks LOVE anything red, especially shoes!!

EDITED: Sewing directions for your own Eyelet Extender Slip can be found HERE.

Now that the weather is finally turning spring around here (as evident by my blooming cherry tree--real and otherwise) I am ready to shed my winter wardrobe of dark colors and heavy fabrics for my bright and cheery summer clothes. And even though the transition from winter to summer means I have to suffer thru another allergy season, I am still happy to finally be able to enjoy my one favorite thing--an early morning run OUTSIDE! Here's to spring, my cherry tree not freezing, running outside, and to cute summer clothes!


  1. very cute, Em. Looks super feminine.

    and K's cherry blossom are awesome.

  2. Love the little eyelet skirt! I just bought a full size eyelet dust ruffle at the thrift store this past week for $3, solely for the eyelet, which is at least 12" wide. I may have to make one or two of these for our girls.

    That is awesome! And love the red shoes. I guess I better post my new dresses, and my red shoes.

  3. Love it all. We put our halogen lights on our apricot tree - was supposed to freeze last night. But maybe the wind blew all the blossoms away. Oh, well, at least we tried, right?!

  4. I'd also like to see the top part of your dress. Do you want to post a picture of that somewhere? Or if you bought it online or something post the link so we can see the full effect.

  5. Ok, you ladies have inspired me to get some red shoes. I love all your creation!

  6. I just found your blog when I was looking for how to make an eyelet slip, and I've been looking at your blog for probably an hour now! I am very impressed with the work you ladies do! I enjoy looking at crafty blogs but am disappointed by how "homemade" or just kind of junky the end products often are - ideas that sound good but just aren't well-executed. They don't really inspire me to do the project, if you know what I mean. I have not found that to be the case at all on your blog! Even things like cutting up your children's watercolor pictures and making a card from them or covering a can with decorative paper turn out looking great! Thanks so much for the inspiration! I can't wait to read more! :)

    P.S. Could you maybe offer directions on how to put together this eyelet slip? I've been wanting to make one for a while but am not sure how to get started.
