Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Finds and packing up

I should NOT be going to the thrift store at all.  Repeat, NOT AT ALL!  But lo and behold I've stopped by a couple times in the last month or so.  I have to say though that I have usually left with nothing.  That's a good sign, because I am purging my house as we are getting ready to put our house on the market and really I shouldn't be adding anything to my packing piles.

But....I did find a little bit of a fabric treasure last week on one of the sale days.

Paid $9.60 for all the above.
3 Kwik Sew t-shirt patterns for the 3 youngest.
And 6 bundles of fabric, including a fun Alexander Henry piece.
I did put about 4 of those pieces (the juvenile prints) back into my giveaway pile as I knew I wouldn't have a use for them.

Most of the pieces were at least a 1/2 yard each.
So I guess that means I should come up with a fun blue quilt project.
Maybe I'll think up a collaborative project again with some of my friends.  We'll see.

In the meantime I am having a hard time emotionally going thru my sewing "crap".
I have gotten rid of at least 3 large bags of scraps and other items.
You can't tell if you were to look at my sewing room, but I have done it.
I just need to do more.
You would think it would be easy enough for me as quite a bit of my fabric has been given to me.
No such luck.
I can think of lots of things I could do with the fabric, but I need to be realistic.
Just because I could do something doesn't mean I have to. Right?!

One thing I am doing, in anticipation of packing up most everything in that room, is to package up some of my projects individually in large ziploc bags.  I find these at the dollar store--2 for $1.  They have been great for me.

I put the fabric or fabrics, thread, pattern, and other extras that may go with all in the same bag.  I plan on putting these in one place or box so that if I "need" to sew while in the midst of all this moving madness I'll be able to pull out a baggie and get to work.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea--to put fabric and accessories in a ziploc bag. That should really help when you want to "sew something". Your find from the thrift store looked like a real deal. I'm still needing to go through all my sewing stuff, but I can't seem to get the motivation to do it, or anything else, for that matter, right now. It will happen down the road, I hope. M
