Monday, March 3, 2014

The house madness begins

Well, we met with our realtor and got down to business with him as what we could do or not do to get the amount of money out of our home that we want.  Talked about projected dates, etc. and now the craziness begins in full force.

First up is our master bathroom (1/4 bath).
We needed to remove the tile, which was PLASTIC by the way.  The kids got into it.  And in fact there might have been a little fighting over who got to do the demo.  Please, there are plenty of tiles for each of you to get rid of.

This daughter wanted us to take out the toilet and sink asap so she could take care of the rest.  O.K. not quite ready for that, but hopefully this next weekend we can have everything in order of what we plan for this space and knock it out.

This view is to determine what space is available for a built in vanity into the wall.  We did that in our main bath and it is so awesome to not have this cupboard or shelving sticking out.  Not sure what we'll do as the space available is only about 14 by 19 because of studs and plumbing, but we'll see.

The next couple weeks will probably be mainly posts about house stuff.  I do have other projects I have done or am working on, but really this should take top priority for the next while.  Hope I can stay focused.  I'd really rather be sewing.


  1. I am doing the same thing! It's hard to fix up a house you are selling but it has to be done!

    1. It makes me a little crazy to think about it because I've wanted it done for us forever. I just have to think of it as a learning experience for the next house so whatever we may need to change we will know what to do better.

  2. Way to go! One project at a time and they will get done. The kids will be good helpers, I'm sure. Keep them busy. M

    1. They are all over the demo, which is actually one of my favorite parts.....rats!

  3. We are doing the same thing here. It will be worth it in the end, but I'm with you...I'd rather be sewing!
