Monday, January 6, 2014

Modern Cross Stitch Quilt finish

The kids were supposed to be back in school today after Winter break.
However, the governor shut down the schools in the entire state because of extreme cold and wind chill temps.  It doesn't happen often, but it is so COLD here.  You know it is bad when the Minnesotans complain.

My plan was to take down all the Christmas decorations and tree. Delay that by one day.
And then I start getting serious about purging, cleaning and prepping for a move--hopefully.
Hubby needs a shorter commute than his current one (57 miles one way).

This is also the last little bit before our oldest daughter graduates from high school in June.
I feel like my life is going to get super crazy before it gets any kind of a break.

On top of that my favorite fabric store is currently going out of business.
My sewing and fabric habits will probably be changing drastically because of that.

Happy New Year to me, right?!
I'll be fine.  Just keep at it one day at a time.

Anyway, I got this quilt back before Thanksgiving when my parents came to visit.
Finished the binding around the first of December.

I just love this quilt.
I am sooooo happy that it didn't ultimately get sent off as a gift, which was my original intention with this quilt.  We'll be keeping it around here.


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