Monday, January 13, 2014

Crochet Frisbees

Daughter #1 made a couple of these for her brother for Christmas this year.

One of his friends had one that he was talking about.
They are into Ultimate Frisbee.
But this disc you can fold up and put in your pocket.

First she made some straight striped ones (on the right) before venturing and doing the actual patterned ones.

Ultimately, she just kept working on some until she used up the remainder of the yarn.
I think she has plans to try and sell them to some of her Ultimate friends no that they are back from break.

Used this pattern HERE.

And yes, they do fly.  Really well in fact.


  1. What a great gift! Thanks to you and your daughter for sharing the idea and the pattern link--

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi,

    thanks for sharing the pattern.
    One of my team mates is having a baby and of course she'll get a frisbee toy...
    Thanks to you I won't need a lot of time to figure it out on my own.

    Have a nice day
