Thursday, September 26, 2013

White Stars Quilt

I have been canning like crazy last week and this week.  I plan on posting my tomato madness here tomorrow or Monday, but today I need a break from it all---and some of the tomatoes need to ripen a bit more.  Anyway, I thought I'd post a little progress on a project that came together rather quickly a week ago.

So a little over a year ago we made a quilt for our brother for his 40th birthday.

This past summer while heading out to Utah on vacation, we stopped at their house in Nebraska and his wife Tonya mentioned that she needs a quilt because he loves his AND he doesn't share.  Not even with her. Travis, rude!

Anyway, we missed her 40th birthday this year due to all sorts of craziness for all involved, but we're making up for it now.  Here is the quilt top I put together for her.  She doesn't know it is coming her way, so it will still be a nice surprise.

The only thing Travis said was to make it "girly" as his is definitely not.
I like how the top turned out.  These blocks come together rather quickly (16" square)
Now it is ready to send to Lynn to work her quilty magic on it.

  • Pattern "White Stars" from Skip The Borders by Julie Herman, pg.26-28.
  • Used 7 different fabrics for 20 blocks.  Need a fat quarter worth of fabric per block.

A couple other versions of this pattern if you want to check them out.


  1. Love your quilt! I just ran on to your blog this morning while looking for some canning recipes and I just fell in love. We have so much in common....I love to quilt and can! LOL! I had my quilt blog for several years and it's all about quilting, family, and farm life.

    1. Thanks Kristie, I just went and stalked a couple of your blogs. Yes, it appears we do have lots in common. Good luck with all your canning. Archery season just started around here so I hope I can get all my other canning done before a deer shows up at our house too. Because that doesn't wait.
