Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quiltmaker 100 Blocks {Blog Tour}

*EDITED*  This giveaway is now closed.  Thanks for entering.  
The winner is Amy @ Crafty Shenanigans

Hi Everyone,
I'm popping in for a little visit here with Renae.  
It's good to see you all, again!

Today is my stop on the Blog Tour for Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks (Vol. 7).
I was excited to have my block included in this edition. 

There I am, Block #652 on page 47.
Red in a Neutral Block

Last year when I was in the throngs of quilt club block making I came up with this design.  It's not anything innovative or ground-breaking, but sometimes a little tweak makes all the difference.
After making a block for one of the ladies I decided that it needed a little extra punch.  So I chopped it down, added the white skinny strip and then added the framing border.  I love the addition of the skinny white strip.  In my mind that gives it the extra pop it needs.

Quiltmaker 100 Blocks (Vol. 7) 
Here is a little mock up of my block in and edge to edge design. 
Pretty cool, huh? 

You could definitely make this design in a million different ways.  I sure did!  
Here it is in brown and pink
 And purple and yellow.
And here is the quilt I made out of my red blocks.
My Quilt in Quiltmaker 100 Blocks (Vol. 7)  
As some of you may know, I LOVE red quilts.  I even have a pinterest board dedicated to them.  So this is my nod to my love of traditional red quilts.  All the blocks are made with the same layout, but as you can see value placement will changes the look of the block as well.

And now, for the fun stuff...
Would you like a chance to win a copy of the magazine??

I've got an extra copy (or 2) to send out!  All you need to do is leave a comment on this post.  I'll pick winners on Monday.  If you want more chances to win, hop on over to my new blog and leave a comment there as well.  The Quiltmaker Blog is also doing a bunch of giveaways, so make sure you stop there as well.

Thanks for letting me visit!


  1. I'd love to win a copy - the issue is such a great resource.

  2. So fun.
    Very happy for your publication.
    That really is a cute block.

  3. wow, you are famous! Those are fun blocks and I love the various color schemes. M

  4. Pick me :-)
    Congratulations on being published! You're right, that little strip of white makes a big difference; I love it

  5. Why yes, I'd love a copy! Thanks for the chance! Your block looks wonderful.

  6. Congrats on your block. I'd love a copy of the magazine.

  7. That's awesome. I would love a copy of the magazine!!

  8. Great block - I love how it looks all repeated - very effective!! Fingers crossed for your giveaway!!
