Monday, May 20, 2013

Prom Dress--Finale

Well, my intention was to post some more sewing pics of the girls and their dresses, but it turned into quite the week last week for our family.

The Reader's Digest version:
  • Tues. night take son to ER for broken arm--both bones right forearm.
  • Get admitted at midnight because they couldn't get them both in place.
  • Wed. afternoon surgery on arm--2 plates.
  • Complications arose with his blood pressure and by 2 a.m. on Thurs. morning we were transferred by ambulance to Children's hospital and admitted to the Pediatric ICU.
  • Find out that his kidneys are different sizes and this is probably the cause of his high blood pressure.
  • Tests indicate all appears to be fixable at least in the long term.
  • Mon. finally get moved out of ICU to regular room--hope to be sent home on Tues.
  • Broken arm = blessing in disguise.  Not sure we would've found this problem any other way.
Soooooooo....after all that I was not around much to help the girls.
Unfortunately I ended up finishing the dresses for them because that was less stressful for me than trying to walk them through the remainder and still get them done on time.  Mostly it just meant me putting in the zippers and attaching the skirt lining.  They were O.K. with that.  Seriously, after all our time and effort I didn't want them to not be able to wear their dresses to the dance.

So here they are in all their glory.

My daughter with her design.

We just added a pretty little brooch that we found at the fabric store to attach to her ruched piece.
It seemed to add a nice touch without being too over the top for her.

BFF with her purple and black concoction

She bought her flower at Jo-Ann's in the hair/jewelry section.
We took off the clip part and hand sewed it on.
Then added some ribbon to hang down too.

All the girls together.

And again with my friend Amber who was nice enough to do hair and make-up for them all.
They all said they had a fun time.

  • Turquoise bodice fabric HERE. 3/4 yd. 
  • Simplicity 3878 for skirt pattern.
  • Simplicity 1797 for bodice pattern
  • My daughter opted for no tulle under her skirt once she got it on.  Decided it was fine just the way it was.
  • I think both girls spent under $50 each for their dress materials and embellishments.  Yeah!!
  • Article here about various Mormon Proms held around the country.
  • And another article here.
  • Go here to see the original inspiration dresses.

    1. Beautiful girl and dresses, you must be so proud!

    2. Those dresses are beautiful. Sorry to hear about your son, but glad that out of a broken arm they were able to find the more serious problem and that the problem is treatable.

    3. so beautiful! the girls and the dresses!

    4. I love how the dresses turned out! They are modest but still cute and fashionable. Way to go!

    5. Love the dresses!! And an LDS prom is such a wonderful idea....wish they would've done that when iwas young. LOL. By the way, your kiddos learning to sew from you is a priceless gift. Good for you, Mom.

    6. They look lovely! That's so fun to have your friend do hair and makeup. I would have loved that. L looks fabulous in makeup.
