Monday, January 28, 2013

Scrapper's Delight -- A Bowtie Block Top

Over Christmas break I pulled out some UFO's and tried to make a little headway on them. 
First up were my bowtie blocks which have been sitting around for some time now.  
They were in various stages of completion and needed just a few final touches.

After cutting and sewing my little heart out, my blocks...

turned into this lovely top.

It's not the prettiest quilt I've ever made, but definitely a scrapper's delight.
I think it finishes somewhere in the neighborhood of twin sized.  That's seems to be my go-to-size as of late.  But since we like BIG quilts to snuggle with I'm sure no one will be complaining.

I have no idea how I will finish it off or who the recipient will be, so for now it will go into the closet until I figure that out.  But another WIP checked off the list. Yea!
Happy Scrapping!

P.S. Another round of the Bowtie Block Swap is going on now.  Check out the flickr page for sign-ups and details.
Block directions Here.


  1. Way to go Emily. How is that new machine doing? M

  2. Very cute.
    I like that the blocks are color coordinated but not exactly the same fabrics.
