Friday, December 28, 2012

Scrappy Rectangle Finished

Well, it didn't quite take me a year like I predicted, but it did take some time.  I finished the top in mid-July and then debated on whether or not to quilt it myself or have Lynn do it.  Ultimately I decided that it was just too big for me to handle with my current machine, even if I just did straight line quilting.  So thus began it's journey to see Ms. Lynn in UT.

First a car ride to Nebraska in Aug. for our nephew's wedding reception.  From there our parents took it with them out to Utah in October for their big trip to visit everyone.  While they were there it was quilted and then they brought it back to NE in early November.  Then when hubby had a work trip to Iowa the end of November he took an evening jaunt over to see the folks, had some dinner, picked it up (and the Red Rail Fence, too) and eventually brought it back home to MN.

Phew!  So glad it is here.

Hubby's reaction to the quilt:  "Wow!....."   and a pause.
Me: "Yeah, it's crazy."
Hubby: "I know, but I like it."

Me too!

The kids have said it is their new favorite.

Back view--little modernness to it.

Love the b/w polka dot binding, and Lynn's loopy quilting.

Here's some of the scrappy loveliness that I used for this quilt--fabric from all sorts of projects and people.

  • Pattern from "More Favorite Traditional Quilts Made Easy" by Jo Parrott, Pg. 39-41
  • Cut 1620(!!!) - 2 x 3 1/2" rectangles = 90 blocks
  • 9 blocks across and 10 down.
  • Spent about $3 for a yd. of b/w polka dot binding fabric because nothing else I had worked for me.  The black seems to mellow it out some.
  • Backing--Dot thrifted sheet and other scrap fabric (or sheets).
  • Finished size: HUGE (Hubby is actually underneath the first pic of the quilt.  It's too big for one person to hold up alone--and it was cold outside the day I took the pics)
  • Actual dimensions: 81 1/2 inches by 90 1/2 inches


  1. A beautiful example of scrappiness. WOW.

  2. That is absolutely fantastic! I am going to have to make one of these..I love postage stamp type quilts..all the colors are just so awesome!

  3. It's amazing!! I like it even more than a postage stamp quilt. You are keeping this one, right?

  4. It's amazing!! I like it even more than a postage stamp quilt. You are keeping this one, right?

    1. Definitely staying at our home. I put too much work into to send it to someone that might not appreciate it.

  5. How does the saying go?... If you think a piece of fabric is "ugly" then you haven't cut it up small enough! :) I love Scraps!! This turned out lovely.

  6. I love how your quilt turned out! It is amazing and so beautiful. Truly a "one of a kind" treasure.
    As I gaze at the photos I am inspired to finish up my current projects so I can focus, and begin work, on a scrap quilt I have been dreaming about making.

  7. So awesome! I'm dying to get sewing again. I've got about 3 quilts in my head. Now after seeing this one, I've got 4. I'd better get movin'.

  8. You made 90 blocks. What is the block size and is there a specific pattern for its
    makeup? Judith H

  9. It's 2019 and I saw this for the first time! It is fabulous!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Wow a lot of work it is beautiful!

  12. Really fabulous and so great to see it finished!

  13. I love your fabulous scrappy quilt!
