Monday, December 10, 2012

I am no longer the world's worst mother...

Way back in the summer, somewhere between swim lessons and a family vacation, I agreed to make my daughter a new school bag.  She picked out fabric while I blissfully thought how "fast" of a project it would be to whip up.  Ha!  Famous last words...

Fast forward five months and her new bag was still a pile of fabric.
I was trying not to feel like the world's worst mother, but truth be told, I felt kinda like the loser mom.
  It was time to redeem myself. 

 (Here are some hastily snapped pictures as she practically ripped it out of my hands when it was done.)
We decided on a messenger style bag.
It's not fancy, or even my most creative work, but my daughter dubbed me "the best mom EVER!" when I gave it to her so I'll take it.  Mom guilt, BE GONE!

Inside she wanted BIG pockets.  
These pockets will hold a regular-sized chapter book. 

I added a smaller "pencil pocket" to the outside (covered by the flap).
She wanted the owls to be the centerpiece. (This picture makes it look like I can't sew straight...but I assure you funky camera angles make it appear way worse:)

 Happily she has been carrying it to school for about 2 weeks now. 
No complaints, only reminders of how "awesome" it is!
My mom heart can rest easy.

All fabrics were chosen by the 10 yr old.
Green with Flowers is Happy Mochi Yum Yum by Lecien
Orange floral is Cabana Blooms


  1. Hooray for Moms. It's a cute bag that I'm sure is one of a kind, which is why she like it so much. I like the fabric, too. Glad you're the best Mom ever now. M

  2. Super cute lining fabric!
    Doesn't always take much to appease the kiddos

  3. Totally great Mom! Aren't you glad our kids can forget so easily?! The bag looks great.

  4. YAY MOM! Looks like you made a winner there...
