Monday, December 31, 2012

Fabric Pull

We are smack in the middle of finishing our basement.  I'm sure if any of you have been through that process you know what a "joy" it can be.  My husband is doing all the work himself so the trade off of saving lots of money is that the process takes a bit longer than normal.  While I dream of the day we can actually live in a whole house and not a partial house (we've never lived in a house with a finished basement) there is lots of design planning/scheming going on in my head.  

  First off will be a new tween room for the 11yr old sans her 6 year old sister. She is my Hawaii loving daughter so a room with ocean colors is her request.
 (Her REAL request was a room with turquoise and lime walls...Um, no!)

  We did a little fabric pull over the weekend and came up with this lovely stack.

We started with the backing fabric.  I found it at JoAnn's and liked that it was in the colors she loved as well as being a big/bold print.  The rest of the fabrics came from my stash.  Some are long-hoarded pieces and some not.  But I love the mix of eclectic prints.   I'm thinking the quilt/color scheme should satisfy my need for "beauty" and her need for "bright" colors.

Happy New Year!


  1. Looks fun!
    Always good to reduce the stash too.

  2. Love the colors! That's kind of the direction I'm going in my basement.

  3. Love the colour combo! And so satisfying to be able to pull almost all from your stash!

  4. I really like the color combination! I hope we get to see the finished product!!
