Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pinterest Success {and Failure}

I finally joined the rest of the world and got on Pinterest.  
I know, I'm way behind the times...
It's not that I don't love Pinterest. I do.
My reason for holding out was that I *knew* I would get sucked in 
and it would become another distraction in my already busy life.  
 Well, I'm trying to prove myself wrong...

I decided from the beginning that I needed to exhibit some (or a LOT of) self control or I would become one of those crazy pinners that pins everything.  I can't be that girl.  So my thought process is that I can only pin things that I really like or that I will actually do.  If it doesn't pass that test then...I move on. 

  In the interest of *doing* here are some things I've tried and loved (and one fail) from my Pinterest Boards.  (Click on the pics to be taken to the link).

First off, I am finding a wealth of tips that are changing my world. Duh! :)
Like how to keep cilantro fresh longer (below) and how to make your own cleaner.  The thrifty-do-it-yourself-girl in me is pretty happy right now.   BTW, my cilantro is still fresh!  Yea!

From Vegetable Gardner
And much to the chagrin of my kids I'm trying new recipes. (Why do kids hate trying new foods?  Or is it just mine?  Frustrates me.)  The hubs and I thought this soup was yummy.  We added ham and green onion to the final product.  Delish.
From Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour
 So many cute crafty ideas that I'd never think up on my own.  For Thanksgiving we made these edible turkeys.  Of course ours turned out not-so-perfect as these, but everyone had fun making them, which for me is kinda the point.
From Our Best Bites
Last night the kids and I did a bit of chocolate dipping and candy cane breaking to make these hot chocolate marshmallows for neighbor gifts.  Ours are turned out almost as cute. :) 

 From Liv Life

 The kids are dying to try one of these out themselves.  I told them we'd have them as a special treat sometime during December.  Am I a mean mom, or what?!

Our one fail (so far) is that we tried to decorate dollar store plates with sharpies.  I found a pin that said to let your kids draw on a plate, bake it in the oven, and the drawing becomes permanent. Umm..It doesn't.  The kids were pretty disappointed when we figured this out (after eating on their plate and watching their drawing disappear with each bite) so if anyone has had success with this idea I'd love to know what I did wrong. 

And there you have it.  My life thru Pinterest. Ha!
Leave a link in the comments to your pinterest account if you want me to follow.  I'd love to see what you all are pinning as well.



  1. I think you have to put the plate in the oven somehow.

    I love Pinterest. I get to pin things for work too! (I get paid to pin ;)

  2. I love pinterest too. I don't generally scroll through pinterest to just find things. I follow a few people (that share my style) but that's not my main idea with it. I just like it that I can organize all of my ideas in one place (I used to save everything in my bookmarks bar.) And it has been helpful to me!

    And I never knew that about Cilantro. Very good idea. I am going to try it! (And I'm not even going to repin it. I think I can remember!)

  3. I was wondering if your plates survived....cuz ours didn't either. :)

  4. I totally agree...I want my Pinterest account to be stuff I will do or really, really like. I actually delete recipe pins as soon as they are used, good or not. (I print them out.) Here is my account:

    We still need to do dinner, Em! :)

  5. I'm so glad your pinning! I'm over the addiction part of pinning, which is a good thing. I was on the computer way to much for awhile. I still need to clean up my boards. But instead of deleting pins, create a board that says "Tried But Didn't Like or Work." That way us fellow pinners won't make the same mistake. I get so ticked when I put time into something that doesn't work or tastes yucky.

  6. Forgot to mention that I love the cilantro idea. I've been doing mine that way for a couple months. I'm so happy to not have slimy cilantro!
