Thursday, November 1, 2012

Make Your Own Slime

Well we all survived Halloween.  I was asked, last minute, by my daughter's 4th grade teacher if I could help out with their party as apparently no one wants to be the lead parent/room parent.  Lately I find that to be the typical attitude: "I'll help, but I don't want to be in charge."  Kinda tired of that actually.

Anyway, enough of that little rant.
Although this is a little after the fact, and mostly I'm posting about this so I can easily find the recipe again, here are 2 of  the "hits" of the class party.

#1 Homemade Slime/Goo/Gak
There are plenty of recipes online.  And to be quite honest I couldn't find this one online again, but this is what I've used a number of times.  The kids LOVE to play with this stuff and yesterday was no different.

Homemade Slime Recipe

In one bowl combine:
1 c. water
1 c. Elmer's glue
Food coloring optional (Wilton color Juniper Green makes a great looking puke color slime--just saying)

Mix thoroughly--should be very soupy.

In another bowl combine:
1 c. warm water
1 tsp. Borax (found in laundry section)

Once that dissolves add this mixture slowly to the first mixture--stirring as best you can.

It will gel up rather quickly.
I usually finish it off by kneading it a bit with my hands.
Let sit for a minute or so and then put the concoction in a sealed bag.
There may be some water mixture leftover in the bowl which is fine.  Just toss it.

Keep it sealed when not using and it will last 2 weeks or so.

  • I made 3 recipes of this to take to a class of 26 kids so that they could each take a little baggy worth of it home with them.  We still ended up with some to bring back home too.
  • Be prepared to give out the recipe 'cuz a good portion of them will want it so they can make it at home.
  • I usually don't make it at the school, but bring it already put together.  It works up quickly, and you certainly can mix it at school, but the real fun is playing with it, unless you're doing a science experiment.
  • Pulling the slime quickly it will break apart, but pulling it slowly it will stretch and slime....
#2 Don't Eat Pete Game

The kids were all talking about this one--and even the mom helper was raving.
It makes me feel like all those kids are deprived not ever knowing this fun game.
Great game to play with mixed ages.  Even my teen kids love this game.

All we used was the laminated game card above and a bag of plain M&M's.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the secretary at our elementary's PTO and I've noticed that same attitude. Very annoying because then we are in charge of EVERYTHING.
