Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Robin Costume--as in Batman and...

So when all the kids were deciding what they wanted to be this year for Halloween, my middle daughter told me she wanted to be a superhero.  I wasn't really on board, because sometimes I just get tired of sewing all the things THEY want.  And we have lots of costumes that she could use, so I tried to persuade her into something else.  I even told her I would make her a cape out of this luscious dark green stretch velour and she could come up with something using that.

However, when little Mr. C. decided to be Batman I kind of decided that it would be fun if someone was Robin.  And daughter #2 (who is 13 and C. is 6) jumped all over that.  Really?!  O.K....  And then when I realized that I had all the colors and fabric I needed already in my stash that made me even more excited.  'Cuz I really am trying to reduce the amount of fabric I have.  Hubby isn't convinced, but really I am trying.  Trying being the operative word.

So here is what we came up with.
This is old school Robin--circa 1966.

Details for Robin:
  • Basic t-shirt pattern--red body and green sleeves. Finish neckline with neckband.
  • Copied Robin emblem from here and made from t-shirt fabric and WonderUnder.
  • Black oval is about 3.75 inches wide and 2 inches wide. "R" is about 3 1/2 inches tall.
  • Green leggings pattern combo of McCall's 6360 and 6173 (only because I didn't have the right size in one and did in the other).
  • Black swim shorts that we already had for the bottoms.
  • Cape pattern based off of Butterick 4319 (just added a collar). Closes with just a hook and eye.  You could use ribbon if you preferred.
  • Mask template from here.
FriDays Made Sweet
Linked up HERE


  1. That is AWESOME! Miss M is a good big sis!

  2. That is cool! I have a Robyn and maybe next year I can get her to dress up as Robin.

  3. I Love this costume! I am always getting so many good ideas from your blog and I would love if you would come share some at my new linky party, FriDays Made Sweet! at

  4. So when all the kids were deciding what they wanted to be this year for ...
