Monday, October 22, 2012

Bowtie Blocks

I needed to take inventory of my projects, so a little housekeeping was in order.  
Do you ever do that?

I pulled out my bowtie blocks to see where I was at with that project.
 After 2 rounds of swapping I found I have a total of fifteen completed 12" blocks.

 It's quite the eclectic mix of fabrics, don't you think?
But just as all scrap quilts end up, those "eclectic" fabrics soon become a beautiful mix of color that blend seamlessly.

I'm hoping for a good-sized throw so a few more rounds of swapping should get me there.

What swaps are you doing these days??

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm in love with the bowties. What a fun pattern they make!
