Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Free Flannel Frenzy

I love my neighborhood and my neighbors.  We live on an easy going street with not a lot of traffic so the kids can ride bikes in the street without too much worrying, nice big trees for shade, a park 5 houses down from ours and quick, easy access to major roads.  It's great!  If I only could have a slightly bigger house and stay where I am I would be thrilled.

When we bought our home we bought from the original owners and many of the neighbors are still the original owners of their homes.  Corrine and Brian, who live across the street, have sort of adopted our kids as their grandkids (they only have one grandson and he's 20+ yrs. old), and vice versa since we don't live near any family.

Corrine also sews with her Lutheran ladies at her church making quilts for the Lutheran World Relief Organization. So she and I talk "shop" off and on and compare sewing projects.  She called me last week to see if I needed any flannel.  Apparently one of the ladies she sews with was cleaning out her mother's home and brought a couple bags of flannel to their workshop.  Corrine brought home a bunch and then realized it was brand new yardage, not scraps.  She was feeling bad about cutting into that much nice flannel and offered some to me.

I probably should've stayed home.  I mean I did just clean out 4 trash bags worth of fabric from my sewing room to give to a woman for mission work in Mexico.  But free fabric always calls to me.  I need to at least check it out and see what might be there. There might be some treasure I can't live without, right?  So across the street I went.

This is what I came home with.

I ended up with 11 pieces of flannel all at least 2 yds each and 60" wide.  These may not be the exact pieces I would've chosen, but now I don't have to stand in line at o'dark thirty on Black Friday to buy flannel at Jo-Ann's for Christmas pajamas.  Hope everyone likes plaid, 'cuz that's what they're getting this year.

There is also one 5-6 yd. piece of twill type Michael Miller butterfly dragonfly fabric.  I'll probably use that to make school bags to send to Mexico. I can't think of what else I would use it for at the moment.

The dark grey/ white striped flannel piece really interests me...I'd love to use it as a backing on a quilt.  So I may have to come up with something to go with the back.

I took probably only about 1/3 of what she actually had.  If I don't end up using it all I'll put it in the giveaway pile for Mexico.


  1. New reader here... I'm totally loving the plaids! I could see a really cozy guy quilt with that. Yum!

    That is quite the score!
