Friday, August 3, 2012

A couple finishes and the big purge

Daughter #3 "designed" a little I Spy quilt with some of my leftovers and we put it together.  Today I got the binding done.

8 blocks by 8 blocks--5" squares.
I love this striped piece on back.
B is anti-wear-pink so we used it on the quilt instead of making something for her with it.

One more thing removed from my sewing room.

Also added an orange stripe to this almost brand new swimsuit that I bought at the thrift store for $3.

It fit except slightly short-waisted for daugther #2's comfort level.
And it is the school colors and orange is one of her favs.
Now she can be wedgie-free for swim team.
**Note: with swimwear you don't need to add as much as the actual measurement to lengthen--about half the amount is best.

Finally, I am seriously purging my sewing room.  Hubby moved back to work from home this week and I had overtaken his area.  No room and a huge mess.  Things have to go.  This is what I have ready so far.

My friend is having a garage sale next week too so more items will be heading that direction.  These bags are heading to Mexico for mission relief--teaching ladies to sew.  Makes me happy.

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