Friday, June 8, 2012

Amish Buggy Update

Just a quick update for those that are participating in the block swap but are not regularly checking flickr.  Finished blocks are starting to pop up in the photo stream and they are looking awesome!!  As of today we have 14 participants.  (You can sign up anytime as the mail date isn't until July 15th)

There is also a discussion going on about what is a "true" Amish color.  From my research (google!), "true" Amish quilts use dark, muted colors (red, blue, black, purple) with pastels (pink, light blues, light greens, etc) only creeping in from the use of children's clothing (I don't think adults wear pastels).  The use of yellow and orange is avoided as these colors are considered "too flashy."  Since I am making a loose interpretation of an Amish quilt I don't mind yellow/orange.  But I guess you get to decide if you want a "true" quilt or a "loose interpretation."

By the way, I have yet to make a single block for this swap.  I've pulled fabrics, but no cutting.  Maybe tonight while my boys are camping and my girls are watching a girly movie I can get started.  Fingers crossed...

Here is a decidedly non-Amish quilt using the same blocks that is equally as cool as the original inspiration!!

Happy Sewing!


  1. I'll be a doing a loose interpretation. I think if it were to be a "true" Amish quilt then I'd have to hand quilt it and that won't be happening. I'm just going to use whatever colors I like--but mostly darker colors.

  2. Mostly the ones I've done so far are red/gray and tan/purple.
