Friday, May 25, 2012

Inroducing the Amish Buggy Block Swap

I have been intrigued with Amish Quilts for some time now.  They are beautiful in their simplicity, timeless in their design, and all out amazing in my book!

When I came across this quilt I knew I wanted to replicate it.  And what better way than with a block swap.  (You know I love a good block swap!)

So, I am happy to introduce our very first block swap! Yay!

Here's how it will work:

1. Everyone will use their own fabrics.  ~ The only stipulations on fabric are that it MUST be a true solid (NO print on print), NO white,  and nothing too thin (if you can see thru it, don't use it).  Other than that, use whatever you have on hand.  Just remember the golden rule of swapping: Don't swap what you wouldn't want in return!

2. Feel free to send in as many blocks as you want in groups of 5.  So if you want to make some potholders, send in 5 ~ a small wall hanging, send 10 ~ how about a small throw, send in 40.  Whatever number you feel comfortable making.  (I'm aiming for 40 for myself.)

Your blocks CAN ALL be made from the same 2 fabrics.  The variety will come when we swap those with what others have sent in.

3. When your blocks are finished you will mail them to me along with a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.  Shipping Deadline will be July 15th. Please make sure you attach the correct amount of postage to both envelopes you are mailing.  Also please include a card with your name/address and # of blocks you sent so I can keep track of everyone.

4.  Once I receive everyone's blocks I will mix them up and send them back out.  You will get back the same amount of blocks as you sent in. 

Block Directions:  We will be using this tutorial, except that we will be using 2 1/2 inch strips, NOT 2 1/4".  Your block should measure 8.5 inches unfinished.

So, who's in?!
If you are active on flickr you can sign up here.
Not on flickr? Just sign up on this post.  Easy as that.

(I've read and re-read this post a million times, so I have no idea if it even makes sense anymore. Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification...)

*Pictures and directions used with permission from Karen Griska*


  1. OH my. I think I am lured in on this one.

  2. O.K. I'm in on this one.
    This is an awesome looking quilt.
    Who knew...with only solids.

  3. This comes at the perfect time. I was trying to decide what to tell my sister to get me for my birthday. Fabric for the swap of course! I'm definitely in.

  4. Count me in!

  5. I would love to participate! Count me in too!!

  6. Count me in - My first swap and I have lots of Kona solids on hand.
