Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yellow and Grey

This one is for our Sister-in-Law Ashlee.   
She picked out the fabrics, oh I'd say... 9 months ago!!  
 So long ago that when I showed her a sneak peek she'd forgotten what she'd picked. 
 Pathetic on my part, I know.  
But now...

 Look what her beautiful fabrics have become.  
Maybe I can get it finished before another nine months passes by. 
We can only hope...

Linking up to Fabric Tuesday


  1. Oh, I like it! It's a softer colour palette than I usually use but it's really beautiful! I sure hope you get it finished quicker than 9 months. Now that she's seen the top, she'll want it soon!

  2. Really pretty.
    I want to try a quilt in the style with the easy strips.

  3. Love it!!! Yellow and Grey is one of my new favorite color combos. It looks awesome :)

  4. those colors are very soothing and pretty together. She will really like it. Mom

  5. How beautiful! Definitely a very popular color combo right now. :)

  6. it's so fantastic! i love the colors. you did great!

    thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!

  7. Some babies need 9 months to mature!
    It looks great

  8. Ashlee did a great job picking out the colors and you did a lovely job with the quilt!

  9. lovely! yellow and gray, to me, are the very first colors of the day :) this is beautiful!

  10. Ashlee's sister, Lindsay is super jealous!!! LOVE these fabrics!!!

  11. Those colors work so well together. I'm not sure I would have thought to combine them, but they look fabulous!
