Monday, December 19, 2011

Harley Twins

My brother-in-law is a Harley guy.  He's owned one since 1989, or so.  
Over the years he's been on countless H.O.G. rides, visited lots of places, and collected many souvenir t-shirts along the way. 

Last year he asked me if I would take all his shirts (he had somewhere in the range of 45!) and turn them into a quilt (or two...).  I agreed on the condition that there was no real time limit for completion.  So, after letting them stew for most of the year, I am happy to show you the finished quilts (with some quick/not-so-pretty pix)! 
Quilt #1 is made with the shirts from most of his rides.

Quilt #2 is made up of his international shirt collection and various others.

 It's must be written somewhere in the laws of Harley ownership, that you can't be a "real" rider/owner without visiting Sturgis at least once in your life.
Here is his ownership certificate... :)
The Beloved Sturgis Shirt

 I found these awesome sheet sets to use as the backing fabric (though I had to add the borders)!!  Seriously worth the money for a project like this.  I think he will love that little touch.

Both quilts are generous twin sized  at 75" by 90".

P.S. My husband earned serious bonus points during this project by ironing the pellon on ALL the shirts for me!!!  It was a huge help, for sure.  He's a keeper! :)


  1. Those are totally cool. I love how personal they are. What a nice thing to do!

  2. Very cool! He'll love them (he better after all that work, right?) :-)

    Merry Christmas, Creative Chicks!

  3. Those are awesome!

    Truly that is a ton of shirts to arrange and organize. I'm sure he'll be so thrilled. Maybe you should have him advertise with the Harley set and you could make some money making those quilts. ....Just a thought.

  4. That turned out awesome!!! You've got a super, amazing talent! Can't wait for my handmade Emily quilt! And that is a super keeper of a hubby to help out. :)

  5. Those look awesome. I was actually in Sturgis for the 50th anniversary too (Just one stop on our vacation, didn't ride a bike there!)
    I was wondering about the pellon, why and where do you use that? I am collecting my kids t-shirts to make a couple quilts.

  6. Awesome! Any Harley rider would love one of these!

  7. What an AWESOME quilt!!! I'll have to start saving some of my husbands to make one one day ... great job!!
